Below is my favorite deodorant recipe.  It is AMAZING!!!  My husband can ride his bike 70 miles in the blazing summer and still no BO!     I also love that it's a great alternative for my girls who are just reaching the age of needing deodorant.  It's easy to use and you can add essential oils for a "pretty smell",  if you want.



Deodorant Recipe



6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state)
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)


  1. Combine equal portions of baking soda & arrowroot powder.
  2. Slowly add coconut oil and work it in with a spoon or hand blender until it maintains a firm but pliable texture. It should be about the same texture as commercial deodorant, solid but able to be applied easily. If it is too wet, add further arrowroot powder/cornstarch to thicken.
  3. You can either scoop this recipe into your old deodorant dispensers or place in a small container with lid and apply with fingers with each use. Makes about 1 cup. This recipe lasts about 3 months for two people with regular daily use.

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I can't wait to try this. I wanted something natural that would keep BO away. I especially wanted this when I was breast feeding. The stuff I get in the stores just doesn't work, then I resort back to secret. I'm just too proud to be funky! But if your husband can wear it after a 70 mile bike ride then I gotta try it!

It's easy to make and worth trying.  We are always amazed!!   He'll come up to me and say smell this you aren't going to believe it.  I'm thinking, NO WAY you're a sweaty mess (LOL!) but there is nothing, no BO.    I love it.  I used the salt crystals before and it was decent but wouldn't hold to up anything out of the ordinary and wasn't enough for him.


Let me know what you think.



I have been using this exact homemade deodorant recipe for the past couple of months, and I love it! I also added a couple of drops of therapeutic grade Thieves Oil to the mix, which gives it a wonderful fragrance. I even got my 13-year-old son to start using this recipe, and he's impressed that it gets him through his intense basketball practice sessions. I have passed this recipe along to numerous friends and family members.

That's so neat about your son.  Everyone I have given the recipe too loves it and can't believe how well it works.



We also use this, but I can't say it works for everything. A hot, sweaty day of farm work is all it takes, and I don't think I'm particularly sweaty or odiferous in general, LOL! It may have something to do with repeatedly sweating, then drying, then sweating again that makes it worse.


Okay! So I've made my first batch. I figured better to try in the winter to get used to it than try it in the summer and get embarrassed. I cheated just a little. I warmed up about 3 of the teaspoons of coconut oil to make it a bit easier to mix together. The other teaspoons were solid. I also added a few drops of tea tree oil for scent. I'll check back in a few days to tell you guys if I've offended anybody. I don't work on a farm or do 70 mile bike rides so I'm thinking I should be good. Lol! I am wondering about staining clothing. Any experience with that guys? Let me know.

I've never had it stain.   So I don't think that will be an issue.  I'm not usually wearing silk though :)  But I think I would and still feel fine.  It soaks in quickly and I don't notice it.


I put it all in the food processor, that makes it creamy and nice. 




Well guys, I've been faithfully using this homemade deodorant since the 8th and it is FANTASTIC!  My sister, her 10 year old son, and my mom are all converts.  This is the best stuff.  The only unfortunate thing was my husband had a bad reaction to it.  He's very fair complected and his underarms turned really red.  He was also very irritated.  I did some research to find that some people have a reaction the the baking soda.  The posts said to decrease the baking soda and add more arrowroot powder.  He's sensitive to many things so this really didn't surprise me but I was disappointed he couldn't use it.  I also found a another really good use for it.  It is rather personal but I felt I should share cause it may help someone.  I had a yeast infection and I knew from other research that yeast HATES coconut oil for the capryllic acid in it.  So before I trotted off to buy some Mono__at, I decided to give the deodorant a try down there.  I figured it couldn't hurt plus the baking soda would help with odor.  To my surprise I used it for two days and the yeast cleared up!  I used it twice the first day, then after my morning shower the next.  It was slightly tingling for like a few seconds which gave way to a cooling sensation then there was nothing. Plus the smell was so clean smelling thanks to the tea tree oil.  And no kidding the yeast was gone after day two!  So there you have it. I'm sold! So Anna, you are my hero! Anna for president!

LOL Shekinah!!   I'm so glad it worked for you.    I really am evangelical about it.   I tried so many expensive "natural" ones and this one is so easy, cheap and works better than any of the others I tried.    I like that my girls are starting out with it too.


Interesting about the yeast infection!  Glad it went away so quickly!  I think I'll tell a friend who is dealing with a raging one at the moment. 




PS about your dh, tea tree can be tough for sensitive skin too.   Maybe you can make a mild version that will work for him. 



I had been using rubbing alcohol. Not too pleased, but suddenly at 47 had reacted to everything! If it didn't rash, it stuck and I had to wash it off immediately! All good stuff from the co-op. I cannot wait to try this! Thank you, and for all the posts with experiences!!
I really hope it works for you. I really love it. Since you happen to be sensitive, please be aware that some have a reaction to the baking soda. As I mentioned before, my husband did. But when you mix the recipe decrease the baking soda and add a bit more arrowroot. At least that's what I've read would help the sensitivity. Best wishes!
Isn't this stuff great? I love it!



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