What do you want to ask about natural health and healing?

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Alternative to treating high blood pressure...I'm at 245 weigh 123 pounds.  Any suggestions.


I try to eat healthy and take supplements.  Exercise well I need to do more of that! :)

I am wondering is nettles, bull nettle?

Where can I get a picture?



Here are 146 studies of natural alternatives to lower blood pressure:http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/high-blood-pressure



Nettles are "Stinging Nettles", also known as Urtica dioica, Stinging Nettle, Common Nettle, Gerrais, Isirgan, Kazink, Ortiga, Grande Ortie, Ortie, Urtiga, Chichicaste, and Brennessel

Nettles photos.

I order organic nettle leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs.



what is the best way to sterilise my big (2 litre) glass bottles for storing Raw Milk?  I am told that oven sterilised bottles should be filled while they are still hot but that isn't appropriate for Raw Milk.  Will they still be safe if I let them cool in the oven?  Or is there a better way?




I just run my 1/2 gallon Mason jar through the dishwasher and let it cool.  I've never sterilized my glass jar for raw milk. We buy raw milk and the jars are not sterilized.

You might try removing the top rack from the dishwasher.  We certainly didn't have dishwashers before 50 years ago and people drank raw milk for thousands of years.

Sterilizing milk and carriers became necessary due to CAFO and feed-lots which are festering with excrement and no grass to keep the cows healthy.


Iam wanting to see nettles the plant. It it called bull nettle in Texas?


bull nettle is not the same as stinging nettle, per my understanding.


My brother-in-law is really struggling with his asthma, partly affected by seasonal allergies. They don't have insurance and are paying all this money for steroids and inhalers and he's doing more rounds of antibiotics. He wasn't interested in other options but at this point with so many drugs and no relief he might. They live upstate NY in the Adirondaks and don't have Internet at home or work so their ability to be a part of these groups and do this research is very limited. He does construction and contracting work, mainly residential projects inside and out What do you suggest passing on? He is miserable. His blood pressure is also high which was a surprise as he looks and otherwise appears to be in good health. Thank you in advance.

Start HERE. I'd avoid dairy, wheat/gluten, GMO-corn, GMO-soy, Omega 6 oils (canola, corn, soy) and ADD Nettles infusions and Omega 3 fatty acids.


Hi.  I am brand new here.  I have been a fan on facebook for a couple of weeks and just found the forum.  I have a couple of health issues and really want to find natural ways to heal.  I am tired of taking medicine.  I am only 34 and I feel way older than I am.  I currently take synthroid for hypothyroidism, prevacid for acid reflux and propranalol, a beta-blocker, for tachycardia (rapid heart rate).  I have the most issues with the beta-blocker.  I have gained weight since being prescribed and I have major heat issues.  I am always hot on this medicine.  The pharmacist told me the first time I picked this medicine up that my body would no longer be able to cool itself down.  He was not kidding.  I live in Florida and I avoid going outside at all costs.  It is really affecting my life.  I feel so desperate to be off of this medication.  Please help.
Welcome Jeanine,

Could you tell us more about the foods you routinely consume and avoid?  Allergies or food intolerances?  Do you eat breakfast, probiotics, vegetable oils, eat fish or meat (source?).  Veggie and fruit consumption/aversions?  What about blood pressure and salt use?  What natural alternatives have you tried for the reflux?  Sleep or exercise/pain issues?  Do you avoid MSG?

Pregnant, trying to conceive, nursing?  Mercury (silver amalgam) fillings in your teeth (now or ever)? 


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