I turned 40 in Sept., I had a baby in Aug., I have lost alot of weight since having the baby. I don't know exactly how much, because I don't own a scale.  But I was wearing a tight fitting size 12 pants before getting pregnant, now size 5 is very loose.

I am taking SuperMom vit., which have 10,000 iu of Beta Carotene.  While pregnant and for a few months after having the baby, I was taking an orange flavored/colored fish oil.

In pictures recently, I am noticing that my skin is tanner than the rest of my family's.  It looks healthy and I feel a whole lot better than I did when I was heavier.

Here is some history... shortly after having my 2nd son(who is 14), I developed small dry skin patches on my scalp, I was then told I had psoriatic arthritis.  I did not take any medications for it, but didn;t do too much of anything else either.  For some unknown reason, a few years after that, my knee blew up to the size of a cantaloupe.  I thought it was rlated to a tick bite I had gotten.  However, I visited many Drs, had an MRI, had it drained and the fluids tested, had lyme tests done, and never got any answers.  I did PT for awhile because I could not walk properly with it.  Visited a Chiroprator, then it began to go away.  In the meantime, I also had 4 miscarriages.

After having our daughter in 2000, the psoriasis got worse.  But we were also homeless for a time and just dealing with alot of stress.

The psoriasis and the arthritis seem to take turns in flare ups.

I had the baby in Aug. and the psoriasis came out all over my body.  Within the past few days, it seems to be lessening in severity on my face.

I apply coconut oil, take the supermom vit., sometimes take the evening primrose oil.  I stopped the fish oil because it was the one from walmart and I was doubting its quality.

The baby had reflux when she was first born(still gets it alittle now), so I was trying to eliminate dairy.

Could the psoriasis and skin color be related? My husband just said the color is not as noticable as it was when I first had the baby.  I was thinking maybe it had to do with the color added to the fish oil.  But would it still be taking this long to get out of my system?  I think I should detox, however I am weary because I am nursing.  I don't know where to begin or what would be best to do while still breastfeeding.

Thanks for listening!




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When excess vit A beta carotene is consumed and the thyroid is not functioning properly (hypo), one can get yellow orange skin. (ie. eating too many orange veggies: carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc.) There is some difficulty converting beta carotene to usable vit A, when hypothyroid. However, with all the weight loss, I have serious doubts that you have hypothyroid, unless you have other symptoms: hair loss, low labido, cold extremities, lethargy, etc.

Some medications can cause brown/orange skin, particularly dilantin. And kidney issues could cause brown-orange skin, or liver issues could cause jaundice yellow skin. A routine blood and urine check could define those fairly easily.

The small dose of fish oil, even if artificially colored, probably wasn't a factor, imo. Curious about the amount and type of vit A in the multi and the fish oil though. As it is easy to consume ltoo large of quantities of synthetic vit A (palmitate) and cause an imbalance. Many non-dairy "milk" products add vit A palmitate also. (soy, rice, almond, I believe)

Milk thistle is considered safe while nursing and supports the liver.

Do you eat liver? Or other animal products? B12, folate, magnesium, zinc, B6, molybdenum are beneficial for opening detox pathways. Liver, beans, lentils, greens are the best sources for many of those. Pumpkin seeds for zinc. Bone broths for minerals: magnesium and calcium.

All of those will help open detox pathways and help your immune system. Do you consume any whole food probiotics?

Here is a thread about Nutrient Dense Foods.


Thank you for your insight. I do have some hair loss and low libido, but I think it is still from having the baby 6 mos ago. I seem to have hair loss after all of my children and I think I may have mild prolapse. I feel like I am so stretched and falling out. :)
As far as kidney issues go, I did have what seemed to be a kidney/urinary infection early in my pregnancy. Cranberry & garlic helped immediately.
With my husband being unemployed, I'm not in a position right now to see a holistic dr.
I don't eat much beef or liver. I heard great things about keifer and know I should do a probiotic, however I thought it was all dairy.
I will try milk thistle as soon as I can afford it.
My problem is I have focused so much on what NOT to eat, I haven't replaced it with good stuff.
I need to start green smoothies too.
I think whatever I can do to address the psoriasis and other stuff going on, would also help my 18 yr old son with his cystic acne and possibly help with healing scarring.
Thanks again!

Pat Robinson said:
When excess vit A beta carotene is consumed and the thyroid is not functioning properly (hypo), one can get yellow orange skin. (ie. eating too many orange veggies: carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc.) There is some difficulty converting beta carotene to usable vit A, when hypothyroid. However, with all the weight loss, I have serious doubts that you have hypothyroid, unless you have other symptoms: hair loss, low labido, cold extremities, lethargy, etc.

Some medications can cause brown/orange skin, particularly dilantin. And kidney issues could cause brown-orange skin, or liver issues could cause jaundice yellow skin. A routine blood and urine check could define those fairly easily.

The small dose of fish oil, even if artificially colored, probably wasn't a factor, imo. Curious about the amount and type of vit A in the multi and the fish oil though. As it is easy to consume ltoo large of quantities of synthetic vit A (palmitate) and cause an imbalance. Many non-dairy "milk" products add vit A palmitate also. (soy, rice, almond, I believe)

Milk thistle is considered safe while nursing and supports the liver.

Do you eat liver? Or other animal products? B12, folate, magnesium, zinc, B6, molybdenum are beneficial for opening detox pathways. Liver, beans, lentils, greens are the best sources for many of those. Pumpkin seeds for zinc. Bone broths for minerals: magnesium and calcium.

All of those will help open detox pathways and help your immune system. Do you consume any whole food probiotics?

Here is a thread about Nutrient Dense Foods.


Yes, I'd focus on *adding* nutrient dense foods. I'm happy to send you water kefir grains, if you'd like to try that. They are dairy-free and easy and delicious. :) Just PM your address.

I just read that milk thistle may mobilize heavy metals, such as mercury. So, there is some concern while nursing, apparently, if you have any mercury issues.

Liver, and green smoothies are the most nutrient-dense, easy foods to start.

Where would you get a routine blood and urine check? Are there home kits?
Are psoriasis symptoms caused by poor liver function?

Pat Robinson said:
When excess vit A beta carotene is consumed and the thyroid is not functioning properly (hypo), one can get yellow orange skin. (ie. eating too many orange veggies: carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, etc.) There is some difficulty converting beta carotene to usable vit A, when hypothyroid. However, with all the weight loss, I have serious doubts that you have hypothyroid, unless you have other symptoms: hair loss, low labido, cold extremities, lethargy, etc.

Some medications can cause brown/orange skin, particularly dilantin. And kidney issues could cause brown-orange skin, or liver issues could cause jaundice yellow skin. A routine blood and urine check could define those fairly easily.

The small dose of fish oil, even if artificially colored, probably wasn't a factor, imo. Curious about the amount and type of vit A in the multi and the fish oil though. As it is easy to consume ltoo large of quantities of synthetic vit A (palmitate) and cause an imbalance. Many non-dairy "milk" products add vit A palmitate also. (soy, rice, almond, I believe)

Milk thistle is considered safe while nursing and supports the liver.

Do you eat liver? Or other animal products? B12, folate, magnesium, zinc, B6, molybdenum are beneficial for opening detox pathways. Liver, beans, lentils, greens are the best sources for many of those. Pumpkin seeds for zinc. Bone broths for minerals: magnesium and calcium.

All of those will help open detox pathways and help your immune system. Do you consume any whole food probiotics?

Here is a thread about Nutrient Dense Foods.



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