~ Food Has Power ~
Hello everyone...
I'm Tanya from Pakistan and contacted Pat over email last year to discuss my families issues...
My daughter was born with eczema and didnt figure it out till I introduced cows milk at 1 year - she was allergic to dairy and so was I. I was breast feeding but never knew I was allergic. I have constant post nasal drip (throat clearing), keratosis pilaris, 4 mercury fillings, one root canal, probably hypothyroid (my hair is falling like crazy, constant dumbness and tingling in hands)... My husband has eczema, asthma and vitiligo which came up during my pregnancy.
My daughter is almost 3. We avoid dairy as a family now (its very hard to explain to a 3 yr old why smarties are bad and will make her sick). We started on Body Ecology Diet and found it impossible to follow. I got the Kefir starter and started making cocnut water kefir which helped us all a lot. Made fermented veggies too, they were impossible to feed to my daughter, hubby and I enjoyed them.
On Pat's suggestion, I ordered FCLO and started that, epsom salts in water to drink as we dont have atub.
Bone broths too. Trying bits of Pats "Cliff Notes". We don't get Brazil Nuts here.
My biggest problem is ordering supplements online and having them shipped to Pakistan. I love Pat's approach of healing through nutrition. After all, how many pills can one guzzle down with meals.
Despite the little bits I'm doing, we're all still pretty much the same. I have spent hours every nite reading posts on this forum and at mothering.com and have concluded that I need more guidance.
I got my thyroid T3/T4 tested all normal yet my symptoms are all of hypothyroid. Its a battle for me to get out of bed every morning. At mothering.com I went through the iodine thread got lugols solution but they say dont do it without selenium, zinc and god knows what not. Bromides, salt flushes, its getting crazy and over whelming for me.
My daughter still reacts to dairy even if its homemade yogurt from raw dairy. She's getting dark circles and its definitely a digestion issue.
We have GNC here, expensive again, but when I read the ingredients most of them are synthetic stuff.
What am I doing wrong? Where do I start?
Its very difficult and extremely expensive for me to order supplements from the US.
Can anyone suggest a sequence for me to follow?
PS: To date, I have not been able to find dried or fresh nettle for infusions in Pakistan.
I really don't have any suggestions but wanted you to know that someone was reading your post. Sorry I can't be of more help. My thought would be to try an elimination diet, which omits most common allergens, then slowly adds them back in, one at a time, so you can monitor and see what specific foods, if any, are causing problems. You can google that for more into, that is what I had to do to find my dietary challenges.
Also maybe environmental issues. Just reaching here. But I know a couple of people who had health issues and after a long battle it turned out to be something environmental, in their home....paint, or mold, or pet bedding etc.
Sorry can't be or more help here, just know that I am thinking of you.
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
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