I recently developed an ear infection, which hurts really bad! I tried all kinds of natural remedies before I finally went to the Dr and got antibiotics. It was brought on by impacted ear wax which they washed out for me. After having that done, I also developed swimmers ear. I try to avoid antibiotics at all costs because I'm still battling candida. Could anyone please advise me on a natural alternative to antibiotics? I'm going to Vit Shoppe for some garlic. I've tried tea tree oil, castor oil compresses, onion and salt in a sock compress, grapefruit seed extract, lemon juice in ear. I've already taken 2 of the antibiotics and my tounge is already getting coated! Any advice would be appreciated!!


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This is a copy of a recent post of mine regarding ear infections and immune system.

Diary intolerance is the number one cause of fluid build up in ears.

"In one study an astonishing 86% of the children tested became free of ear problems once they came off dairy food."

Additionally, I was just reading that chiropractic adjustments could help with ear infections. I didn't know.

Breast milk in the ear or garlic oil is supposed to help too.

Also, add vitamin C and whole food probiotics, such as yogurt for the immune system.

"In an October study in the medical journal The Lancet, researchers found that antibiotics for ear infections are only beneficial to children under the age of 2 with both ears infected. Study leader Dr. Maroeska Rovers, of the University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands, said that researchers found that in most other cases, watchful waiting is OK."


"Evidence has been building over the years showing most ear infections resolve on their own and antibiotics do little or nothing to speed the process. And, overuse of antibiotics leads to antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. The most important factor in treatment for ear infections is pain relief."

A landmark study published in Pediatrics has shown that treating ear infections with antibiotics has no benefit when compared to doing nothing. (McCormick 2005).

My recommendation is classical homeopathy. A friend's daughter had six rounds of antibiotics for ear infections and was scheduled for tube insertion. She saw the homeopath and gave her daughter the proscribed remedy. On return to the physician prior to the surgery, her ears were no longer infected. And she has had no ear infections since.

Our classical homeopathist first learned about homeopathy for her son with ear infections. Then she became schooled about homeopathy. I am a complete believer. Although, I still do not understand how it works. We are all on constitutional remedies and are rarely ever sick.

Another suggestion is Grapefruit Seed Extract. (Not grape seed.) GSE is also a natural anti-inflammatory. It is give orally, diluted in water. It tastes horrible though.

Here are some more ideas:
Garlic is a natural antibiotic.
Collodial silver is a natural antibiotic.
Vit C-large doses (natural fever reducer, iirc)
Cod liver oil- essential fatty acids help the immune system (We use Nordic Naturals -strawberry and our son loves it!)
Chamommilla is good for restlessness, discomfort, insomnia, unbearable pain; fever; child is impatient and angry.
Zinc lozenges help the immune system
Echinecea- We use Sambucol for Kids
Probiotics- for immune support, digestive system is 70% of immune system. Many of the serious side effects of cp are associated with a damaged gut, secondary to antibiotic use. Avoid antibiotics with cp and other viral illnesses.

And Dairy is the #1 culprit of fluid and mucus production leading to an environment conducive to ear infections.

Here is some info about homeopathic remedies (and treating ear infections).

* Aconite: Pain that comes on suddenly after a shock or chill.

* Belladonna: Severe throbbing pain; child is oversensitive and cranky.

* Chamomilla: Unbearable pain; fever; child is impatient and angry.

* Lycopodium: Pain on right side only; stopped-up nose; cold extremities.

* Magnesia phosphorica (or "homeopathic aspirin"): Pain reduced by the application of heat or pressure.

* Mercurius solubilis: Pain accompanied by swollen glands and sweating.
[/quote]I would do whole food probiotics, cod liver oil, magnesium, vit. C, zinc, coconut oil, bone broths, green juices. Support the immune system. The gut is 70% of our immune system. Antibiotics damage the microbial balance in the gut.

Basically, you have to heal the gut to strengthen the immune system. Check out the "Healing the Gut-cheat sheet" at the top of the forum. http://www.mothering.com/discussions...d.php?t=434071

Antibiotics rarely address ear infections, which are generally viral in origin. Nor are they more effective than watchful waiting, unless it is a double ear infection in a child younger than age 2.

Here is more information regarding avoiding drug-resistant bacteria: http://www.mothering.com/discussions...5&postcount=12 Basically, UNNECESSARY antibiotics are the cause, not avoiding antibiotics when NOT needed.


Thanks for all this info, Pat. I haven't been eating dairy for a long time. I also have been taking GSE, Garlic and Echinecea. I"ve been using ear plugs to sleep and I guess, after some time, they caused the wax in my ear to get impacted.

I'm stopping the antibiotics and am going to implement the other things in your post also. I've been working on getting rid of candida for so long..... I really didn't want to start all over. The pain just became so intense and nothing seemed to be working. I've personally suffered so much from over use of antibiotics. I try to avoid them at all costs.

Thanks Again,

Julie :)
Would sublingual oregano oil have an impact on ear infections?
I know Oregano Oil is an anti- fungal, anti- viral, and I think, anti-bacterial supplement. It should do something. I would take it orally though. Pat may know more about it than me. Maybe she'll chime in. I would also add in some of the things Pat posted like, garlic, zinc, Vit. C etc.

Julie :)

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