I'm 43, since having our last baby 3 yrs ago, my menstrual cycles have been heavier and more painful.  

However,the past few months they haven't been too bad.  

This month it started on Oct 2nd and the bleeding only lasted 2-3days.  No cramping,etc. beforehand.  

However, for the past 3 days I have had some mild cramping, similar to just before I would get my period.

Any thoughts on what may be the cause or what could relieve them?

Thank you.

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Do you have a lot of other PMS-like symptoms? (Bloating, fatigue, trouble sleeping, weight-gain, short-temperment, etc.)

My initial thought was estrogen dominance, which many women suffer from, especially having children, and with a standard American diet.  It can usually be traced back to adrenal fatigue, so I'd start by doing some research on both estrogen dominance (there are lots of foods that will help to bring balance to estrogen/progesterone), as well as adrenal fatigue (lots and lots of good foods and herbs to help nourish and repair the adrenals, which are responsible for making progesterone - the hormone that keeps estrogen in check).

Incidentally, are your cycles regular? Was Oct 2nd the day you anticipated getting your period or was that the middle of your cycle? How heavy was your flow for those 2-3 days?

Thank you!  Yes, I have some bloating,fatigue, trouble sleeping.  Since having this baby I have lost a tremendous amount of weight.  My pants went from a size 12 to a size 1.  I have also been extremely irritable around that time.

My cycles have been about 26 days(they were closer to 30, before the baby).  This month, the flow was heavy the first day and not too bad after that.

I have added nettle infusions.  I guess I will start researching more.  I have been so consumed on figuring out how to go grain free for a time and help our toddler's tooth decay.

Thanks again!  Now I have a direction to start researching.

I would wonder about a thyroid issue with that kind of weight loss.

So, estrogen dominance is more often associated with weight gain, or the inability to lose excess weight (as often is the case with PCOS sufferers).  

Did you significantly alter your diet to lose that weight or did it come off with out seeming meaning to?  

I'm not sure of the exact percentages (and I imagine they vary by person anyway), but it's often the case that women with low body fat percentage have issues with their reproductive hormones which also would cause a change in your cycle. Quite often they stop getting periods or they are much lighter. 

It's so tricky to pinpoint the exact cause of our issues, which is why we must read, read, read! :D

Let's explore what Jennifer mentioned - an overactive thyroid. Do you eyes seem to bulge out of your head a bit? Are you anxious, nervous, have a racing heart, thinning hair? Those are often indicators of thyroid issues.

The real question is WHY are these symptoms showing up?  Most doctors just prescribe a pill to mask the symptom instead of going after the cause of the symptom and fixing the underlying issue (whether it be diet, lifestyle, toxic exposure, etc.). 

Good luck in your research!

I could be wrong, but I thought that I had lost so much weight because my daughter seemed to have acid reflux and she was constantly nursing.  I know I was not replenishing the proper nutrition.  The only other thing would be my hair has been thinning.

16 years ago I had a thyroid test, because I had unexplained symptoms which I believed to be Lyme Disease, but the doctors couldn't confirm it.  I live in the mountains of NY. I had a tick bite,or two.  My knee swlled to the size of a grapefruit.  I saw some many doctors, had so many tests,etc.  That was before I knew I could actually research and apply nutrition, herbal remedies,etc.

Anyway, I suppose just because there was no thyroid problem then, doesn't mean it isn't an issue now.

Does anyone know of a way to determine without going to see someone?

Thanks again!

Would you consider going to see an herbalist? Mine uses a biometric feedback system to figure out exactly what areas are suffering and what is the cause of it (allergies? toxins? poor nutrition? etc.). Her system also allows her to test various herbs and predict what is going to be most effective. It's nice because she can hit a lot of my problem areas at once with only a few supplements, instead of having to take a ton of different herbs. 

It's expensive, relative to insurance covered "health" care with a traditional doctor, but I justify it as that I'm actually healing my body from all the damage I've done in the past, instead of sticking a band aid on what ails me.

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