Ok, this is VERY long! I am totally willing to do this as a consult (instead of in the group) if it’s too many details/too much to ask. The short version is this:

My almost 2 year old and I have been on a gluten/dairy/corn/egg/soy free diet for about 9 months, after an elimination diet and seeing various reactions to these foods. I believe he has a leaky gut which I’d like to help heal. I am looking for ways to heal this issue (and any others that exist) using whole food nutrients, and to avoid supplements as much as is possible. He has seemed to react to most of the supplements we’ve tried, or had trouble taking them. So, any recommendations you all have are welcome and appreciated!

Now, for the long version. I’ve included everything that might be helpful in understanding our situation (perhaps *too* much info--sorry this is so long!):

River (now 23 months) was born at home. I labored for over 50 hours, his heart rate was awesome the entire time. He was posterior. He had shoulder dystocia on the way out, and my midwife reached her hands in to help him out. Not long after his birth she gave him a vit. K shot, she said in part b/c *I* lost a lot of blood. (I lost about a liter of blood after he was born.) His umbilical cord was in a tight knot when he came out, (he must have swam through it in utero, and it probably tightened as he was born). So, the cord did not pulsate, there was a lot of blood in it that squirted out when we cut it. (Not sure how much info/detail you all need, I thought I’d tell you *everything*!)

I had trouble with breastfeeding, in part due to my blood loss, but mostly because of ignorance about breastfeeding. For the first 3 months of his life we used formula supplements (both milk and soy based) as well as donated breastmilk from a friend of mine. He was nursing most of this time, at one point was totally off the breast (but getting about 1/2 his nourishment from breastmilk, I was exclusively pumping). Using domperidome, lots of herbs, and tons of pumping, along with nursing, he came back to the breast and from 3 months on he was exclusively breastfed (and continues to nurse lots today at almost 2.)

He had the first 2 rounds of vaccines, but after the 2nd round, he had a fever and slept for a very long, uncharacteristic amount of time. He also had diarrhea for days. I started really researching vaccines and was shocked and horrified by what I found, so he has not been vaccinated since.

He also had ‘baby acne’ from maybe a few weeks old until 5 months.

At around 13 months he got an ear infection, and we did the antibiotics (amoxicillan). He got a rash on the back of his neck during this, and we stopped using them after 5 days.

Around this same time period, I noticed a lot of changes in him. He was seeming to be very irritable and easily frustrated (very uncharacteristic for him), not sleeping well (waking in the night and running around screaming for 1-2 hours), peeing his pants in the night (he was ec’d from 3 months and had never peed at night--this was a big change!), had the red ring around his anus at all times, ‘raccoon eyes’, and I’m sure other symptoms as well. With the help of the foodlab yahoo group, I learned a/b elimination diets and we found he reacted to gluten, dairy, corn, soy and eggs.

Since then our diets have changed dramatically. We avoid the above mentioned foods, along with most nuts/seeds and citrus, because I have thought he has reacted to them in the past. (I’m willing to try them again though! I did not formally test any of them.) Foods we eat on a regular basis include (listed in an order of the quantity/frequency we eat them): brown rice (in many forms--rice, rice milk, crackers, bread, cookies, etc.--probably 2 servings a day easily), green peppers, onions, garlic, carrots (whole/juiced), tomatoes (mostly canned), sunflower oil (used for cooking), chicken and turkey (we were vegetarian but started eating these after dropping dairy and eggs), beans (black, garbanzo, kidney, pinto, lentils etc.) canned and dried, broccoli, kale, other greens, potatoes, dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, cherries, etc.), berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries), apples, bananas, pears, cucumbers, buckwheat flour, oatmeal, enerG egg replacer, fruit & vegetable juices (fresh and bottled bolthouse farm), avocados, celery, green beans, sweet potatoes, zucchini, coconut milk, millet, maple syrup, agave nectar, sometimes brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, tons of spices and salt and pepper, palm oil...etc. Also cultured carrots, beets and cabbage for the probiotic value... In addition, I am not totally opposed to trying other meats, although it might be a difficult transition for me (I’ve never cooked meat before, and doing the poultry now has been a real learning experience! I was a vegetarian for 12 years b/4 changing our diets in this manner...) A lot of the food we eat is cooked. I do not soak our grains but am interested in learning more about this and other food prep. ideas that might help us. I also have been (irregularly) taking a prenatal vitamin and calcium supp. (which he does not seem to react to.)

I think I’ve included a majority of what we eat on a regular basis (at least 2-3 x per week). What I am looking for now is where to go from here. I believe ds has a leaky gut, and we have tried supplement after supplement (vitamins and enzymes) to help heal it. He has seemed to react to everything we’ve tried. I’d love more info on where to go with our diets--what to add to bring in the vitamins/nutrients he needs, along with how/if he can get the digestive enzymes he needs through foods. What supplements you all might feel *are* necessary, etc. I want to help heal his gut (and any other issues that might be going on). Any advice or suggestions you all have are greatly appreciated!


Lauren :)

Favorite Posts:


14 Steps For Healthy Guts

Beet Test (stomach acid?)

Candida 101


Green Breakfast Challenge

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Nettle Leaf herbal infusions 101.
Overwhelmed? Where to Start?!
Probiotic Selection


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If the low supply was caused by or made worse by low prolactin, that can indicate high dopamine levels. Dopamine is normally broken down by methyl groups, so focusing on increasing methylation might be a good place to start. Nutritionally, that means folate, B12 and B6. It looks like you're eating beans, so folate might not be the main issue. If your guts are messed up, it's easy to have trouble absorbing B12. Metals can also block that conversion.

Have you done the beet test?
I have not done the beet test and will do so this week! I know nothing a/b methylation and will start reading up! Hmm--I've also recently gotten patches of eczema (I've got really dry skin so I figured it was just the winter). I wasn't really thinking of me when sending my first post. Thought I'd add that here...

I've also just made some of the blender batter (soaking overnight for tomorrow) and am planning to start making the green smoothies...I'm excited!
Hey Lauren, corn is in many supplements and hidden in many prepared foods. The ladies will have some suggestions for vitamin supps without corn. But, corn is VERY hard to avoid.

It sounds like you have an extensive diet, and you include whole food probiotics, which is fabulous. Are they homemade? Do you know for certain that they have not been heated or pasteurized?

The major things that jump out to me CLO (cod liver oil), CO (coconut oil), magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, selenium, bone broths, whole food probiotics: (non-dairy) yogurt, kefir, kombucha. Also, high doses of vit C, and Epsom salt baths for detox.

There are many gut healing measures, detox alternatives, probiotics and nutritive foods which will help with chemical toxicity from foods which are related to "leaky gut".

Start here with the "Detox Obstacle Course: http://http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/detox-obstacle-course

And here with the "Nutrient Dense Foods": http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/nutrient-dense-foods

And here with the videos about Biochemistry of detox pathways: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/video/video

Then here, the threads linked at the top will help you to understand more about identifying your family's detox pathways: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1045391

And the "Heal The Gut- cheat sheet": http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=434071

Here is a brief overview about healing the gut and allergies/asthma: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=13031246&...

Does he have any environmental allergies, sinus, asthma, eczema, pollen, seasonal reactions, allergy shiners, green mucusy stool, rashes, etc, currently or recently?

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients.

Nutrient dense foods:

homemade bone broth every. single. day. 1cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
homemade milk kefir every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)
homemade kombucha every. single. day. 1 cup (start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut)
green smoothie every. single. day. day 2 cups (any juice plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
liver one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)

coconut oil 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
fermented CLO, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs)
Bubbies sauerkraut 1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
Brazil nuts 1 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium) (if not IgE, describe the type reaction had in the past, age?)
Epsom salts a pinch in water, all day long. (magnesium sulfate)
Celtic Sea Salt a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph, paradoxically)
Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
Egg yolk, 1 per day. (if not IgE) (nutrients help to detox)
Vit C, 1000mg, two times a day. (helps to detox)

Total cost about $4 per day.

I mention egg yolk for the specific nutrients. Do you know if your son is IgE or IgG to egg? And if IgE, no egg. :-/ But if IgG (intolerance), have you tried *just* cooked yolk? Most folks are allergic to the protein in the white.

You mentioned citrus. Lemon in water helps to shift the body ph to alkalizing, which helps to support healthy bacteria in the gut for absorbing nutrients, and the proper ph in the stomach for digesting proteins. Here is more info about alkalizing foods: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=12710742&po...

You mentioned diary is an issue. Again IgE (analphylactic, immediate rash, wheezing, etc?), then no dairy. If intolerance, gassy, mucusy poop, red anus, consider homemade RAW, goat's milk kefir. It has significant benefits for allergies, paradoxically. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1045177&h...

More info about probiotic selection: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=13232208&po...

And if you need more information about including natural antibacterial and antifungal foods and spices, there is more information in this old post: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=12680219&po...

Do you need more info about candida yeast and the damage caused by antibiotics? http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=941070&hi...

That will get you started. :-) And please feel welcome to post questions!!

It all comes back to the health of our ancestors, their genetics, and their diet. And your underlying issues totally affect his gut while nursing. So, yes, his reactions to foods through your milk may be different than his reactions to those same foods directly. He could be reacting to your histamines, your detox issues, your undigested proteins. Trying to notice which foods cause you an issue is relevant.

Lauren, do you have any/many amalgam dental fillings? Any known thyroid or adrenal issues?

Tell me you all are not on any antacids and no topical steroids, any other meds? :-)

WHOAH Pat!!! Thank you!!! This will certainly keep me busy!!! I'm sure I'll be coming back with questions on some of your recommendations. I'm thrilled to have this all written out!!!

To answer a few of your questions, the whole food probiotics (cultured veggies) are homemade and not heated or anything. They sit on my counter until they are about ready (days to over a week) and then go in the fridge. How much would you recommend a day? (I try to remember to offer some to him and eat them myself at each meal to aid digestion.)

He has, in the past, had a very runny nose and watery eyes--very seasonal allergy seeming reactions, along with the allergy shiners.

As far as eggs, I have not given him just the yolks--I will try this! (IgG--not real allergy, same w/ dairy. The thought of raw goat's milk kefir is DIVINE!!)

Thank you thank you thank you!!! I'm so very excited to get started with all of this!

(BTW, I'm having issues w/ my comp. replying to any posts other than the original one, which might mess up the organization of the page--sorry about that!)

Can I use the coconut oil for cooking? (Baking, frying, etc.) Would that count towards how much he needs each day?

Does he drink the Epsom salts?

How much CLO, and can I ferment it myself? (I will research this myself as well, just wondering!)

Thank you again!!!!! :)
I have quite a few fillings in my mouth, between 4 and 6 are the metal kind (must be amalgam?)

I have no adrenal or thyroid issues that I am aware of, but this reminds me of something very important--River tested positive for congenital hypothyroidism--an extremely mild case (his doc plans to take him off his med when he is 2.5--he's only keeping him on as a precaution until his brain is more developed, as cong. hypothyroidism is one of the leading causes of preventable brain damage...). River is on a very low daily dose of levothyroxine (hormone supplement). So, he does take meds daily for this!! Sorry to have left this out. As far as I know, there is no corn in it (from my research)...

Also, I take no steroids or antacids. I rarely take anything other than the vitamins I mentioned. On the first day of my period I'll take ibuprofen for cramps (which have diminished amazingly since changing our diet), but that is all...
Pat, I just want to check--your recs. are for BOTH River and I, right? I'm wondering about the salt--if he won't drink it, will me adding it to his food be enough for him? He really doesn't like to drink that much, so I'm wondering about the kombucha and broth and kefir (I realize I can cook the broth into his food, so I think I can get that in him--not sure about the tea though...the smoothies may even be tough--he nurses a lot and doesn't really drink anything but plain water...he likes carrot juice and apple cider and that's it right now...)

I realize anything I add will be helpful! Thank you again!
Personally, I don't think nursing moms should add in kombucha. At all. I am at one end of an extreme on this, I realize, but I think the benefits can mostly be gotten elsewhere, and the detoxification properties (in terms of mobilizing toxins, not just helping ones already circulating find a way out) make it not a good risk/benefit ratio.

My background is that my health issues (and my kids' health issues) are related to my amalgam fillings. I had a fairly standard progression of health concerns that started when I got my fillings put in in my early teens and continued for 20 yrs til I got the suckers out--environmental allergies, anxiety, depression, my adrenals were slowly wearing down all this time but I didn't see that til I hit a wall during my 2nd pregnancy, and I became hypothyroid. It wasn't obvious until I felt really bad, and found a great healthcare provider, that mercury (and toxic load in general) were big issues for me, so I tend to err on the side of avoiding kombucha if someone else could be affected by consuming it.

Anyway, my 0.02c.
Yippee!! on the homemade fermented veggies. Your son likes them? I haven't found any which our son likes, other than the dill pickles. Eating them at each meal is magnificent!!

Extra zinc, vit C and the other gut healing stuff will strengthen the immune system.

Some folks don't have an issue with raw eggs, but only with cooked eggs also. My friend, Anna, from the CL list, has backyard chickens. We eat their eggs raw. I don't recall the chemical issue between raw and cooked, though. And if it has been more than 6 months since he had an intolerance, you might give the egg a try, after you've done a few months of gut healing. I'd rather wait a month on the egg, and do the gut healing stuff more first. Then try, with more chance of success.

Do you have Real kefir grains? It is tons more beneficial than store bought. You can order kefir grains, and a starter "kit" for making kefir from my online friend: http://www.culturesforhealth.com/zen/index.php?main_page=index&... Or ask on the Kefir share site in the "Trading Post" forum at MDC. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=517191&hi... We have a probiotic share group (above menu tab) also. I'm about out at the moment, though.

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