~ Food Has Power ~
Hi there,
I'd love to know if anyone has dealt with this situation and had some relief.
for the past 3+ years I've had, increasingly, more and more allergy issues. I have days in which I sneeze 30+ times, have so much trouble breathing through my nose, my nose is raw and in pain from blowing it, it runs, it's itchy, I have to sleep with those breathe right strips (only way I can actually sleep and even then still difficult). It's so frustrating.
I've been gluten free for over 3 years. Im considering trying the Paleo approach and would love to know if you think that's helpful.
As for diet otherwise- little to no refined foods, no preservatives, all real and whole foods prepared traditionally (a la weston price style for the most part), eat bone broth, make green juice occasionally, lacto-fermented veggies 2-3x/day, etc
I've gone to a functional medicine doctor, 2 different naturopaths, a homeopath, ongoing sessions with an acupuncturist... nothing has really impacted it. I've tried taking quercetin on an ongoing basis as well as drinking nettle tea frequently.
These symptoms happen regardless of where I am, so I don't think its environmental, per se.
I do have a diagnosis of crohns (albeit a fairly mild case, thankfully) and a positive ANA, so definitely some autoimmune going on.
My guess: this histamine reaction is my common reaction to my body being unhappy. I'd love to have a way for it to all calm down! It seems to be hyper-reactive and while I am no longer so interested in figuring out the trigger (that seems impossible), i'd love to just feel better.
Do you consume dairy? Have you tried nettles?
Hey Pat.
The only dairy I consume is pastured (usually raw) butter and that's not even every day. I have tried nettle tea... how much do you recommend?
Any thoughts on underlying issues?
I'm curious about environmental aspects: dust mites, old mattress/pillows, cleaning products, laundry detergent, perfumes, cosmetics, body care products (shampoo, spray, moose), air fresheners, pets, mercury (silver amalgam) fillings, carpet cleaners (work environment), paint, insect control chemicals (apartment buildings), HEPA air cleaner?
Many of us with detoxification issues do not tolerate those exposures, cumulatively. Foods to support effective detoxification.
Neti pot?
Preformed vitamin A strengthens our immune system. And vitamin D from the sun provides cholesterol sulfate which helps the body to detoxify.
Paleo/grain-free certainly has helped many people with autoimmune issues. I've been gluten-free for several years, but occasionally I find a gluten exposure I wasn't aware of such as *soy sauce*, for goodness sake. And our cat litter is wheat-based.
Do you take any magnesium or zinc? Those are the only two supplements I take as they are both critical and difficult to get consistently in my diet. Epsom salt baths are amazing to help the body to detoxify also.
I drink 2-3 cups of nettle infusion most days.
Btw, raw milk kefir suppress both IgG and IgE reactions.
This is all great advice! I actually really do think it's environmental because of the sneezes. I do have a hepa air filter and an allergy cover on my pillowcase, but perhaps I need to change my linens even more? Clean more often? I was just told I should get a vacuum cleaner that is NOT bagless and has a hepa filter in it as well.
I suspect I am pregnant, so taking mega doses as well as doing specific detox things is probably not a great idea, but taking nettle infusions throughout the day would probably help too.
I'll also look into making kefir. Is it okay if it's goat milk? I think there's a local source for that around here too.
Thank you so very much!
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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