
I haven't been around in a while.  Lots of major changes in my life, which are wonderful, but I guess maybe a little stressful for my body!  Just had some bloodwork done and the counts look pretty weird.  I am in to see an oncologist this afternoon and I will know more.  However, I know that the primary treatment is chemo and maybe radiation, and I want to hit the ground running with another approach.  Can anyone talk about their experiences and point me in some good directions?



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It's all very interesting. Most of Gonzalez' research (some of which was federally grant funded) was with pancreatic cancer. Patients who had very little chance of survival via conventional means were often able to extend their life far beyond what the orthodox treatment offers.

Also, Sarah do investigate the possibility of low-dose naltrexone therapy. This is also a very fascinating topic with regards to diseases like AIDS, MS and even Leukemia.


The last link is from a site of a renowned physician who has treated many cancers unconventionally. I worked for a woman who healed her breast cancer with Dr. Thomas Lodi in Mesa, AZ at the Oasis of Healing center and also abroad in Switzerland at the Paracelsus Clinic under Dr. Rao. All have great outcomes with alternative therapies.

Sarah, you are in my thoughts and I send love to you in waves. Pat, thank you so much for facilitating this ning, it's truly a wonderful tool and community. I try to write down things I am thankful for each night and I included "Pat" on my list -- I have learned so much from you all, I am truly, truly thankful for it.

Pat Robinson said:
Justine, this is fascinating, especially as I've always had a hypersensitive parasympathetic nervous system...

I'm wondering if the MTHFR impaired detoxification system is a variable. Thanks for the link. I'll do some reading.

Also, I stumbled upon more information with regards to supplementation. This list from Life Extention Foundation has pointers on what not to take while healing leukemia.


Also, I remember reading once on Dr Mercola's site that a nurse he knew had been diagnosed with leukemia and then while getting a second opinion, found out it was just a severe fungal infection. The catch was that she herself was a pediatric chemo nurse, so most of her patients were children with leukemia. So the idea of the disease being potentially "contagious" was posited, but in actuality it was the administering of such strong medications which had encouraged fungal overgrowth in her body.

Whoops, I misspoke. The nurse in question, as the article states, was not a chemo nurse, but rather a nurse at a marrow transplant center, so its possible the fungal infection was picked up by working with such a population, rather than by administering chemo. Very interesting.

Justine Gabbana said:
Also, I stumbled upon more information with regards to supplementation. This list from Life Extention Foundation has pointers on what not to take while healing leukemia.


Also, I remember reading once on Dr Mercola's site that a nurse he knew had been diagnosed with leukemia and then while getting a second opinion, found out it was just a severe fungal infection. The catch was that she herself was a pediatric chemo nurse, so most of her patients were children with leukemia. So the idea of the disease being potentially "contagious" was posited, but in actuality it was the administering of such strong medications which had encouraged fungal overgrowth in her body.

fascinating. I first began this site after my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I am learning all the time.

This is fascinating. I still have a fungal cleanse in my fridge that I have not been taking because the baby was nursing, but he is getting donor milk right now. Actually, I am going through a lot of heartache because I am trying to up my supply and he is totally rejecting the breast. I feel so caught now because, having done the first round of chemo since I didn't think I had time to try to self-treat, I am now onto the waiting period (finally home, btw) for the consolidation and I sort of want off the train. But I don't think that's really an option at this point. I need to talk to the doctor more, though.

How would I determine whether I had an overactive parasympathetic nervous system? What's MTHFR impaired detoxification?
Update: in remission! So, still some chemo to do, but things are going well. Since I started with the homeopathics, I think my nervous system has normalized. Initially the meat 3x a day diet was helping, and then it stopped feeling good about 2 days into my remedy. That tells me that things are going back into balance. Pretty amazing when I consider the toxic waste that is going into my bloodstream and gut right now.
Just catching up with this Sarah!!!!! (((HUGS))) I also just read your first three blogposts, and I'm blown away. I'm sending healing thoughts and much love your way! And I wanted to second this:

"Sarah, you sound strong, like water."

I'm thinking of you and your family, and just astounded and inspired by your strength and your ability/willingness to flow like water.

Much love to you!

Lauren :)

Sarah, how are you doing right now?  You are quite brave!

Lauren said:

Just catching up with this Sarah!!!!! (((HUGS))) I also just read your first three blogposts, and I'm blown away. I'm sending healing thoughts and much love your way! And I wanted to second this:

"Sarah, you sound strong, like water."

I'm thinking of you and your family, and just astounded and inspired by your strength and your ability/willingness to flow like water.

Much love to you!

Lauren :)

I am doing well.  I completed my course of chemo; I wasn't confident of the resources available to me to avoid that approach.  AML is really fast moving and I was dying faster than I could try to heal myself.  I have had the last biopsy.  We are still waiting on the pathologists final report, but the preliminary results are positive and that's what the oncologist expects.  His exact words were "I am confident that it will be clear."  I guess I am out of that excuse and free lasagnas now!  Probably a good thing; lasagna isn't so good for me.


The blog is www.nourishingpath.blogspot.com, if anyone is interested.

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