Duration of Long-term Immunity After Hepatitis B Virus Immunization?

While seeking medical research regarding Hepatitis B vaccine and various genetic populations, I found that within one year, "up to half of the subjects failed to maintain a titer", even after 3 doses of Hep B vaccine! [original source 1998 PDR]

See Drugs.com info which hasn't been "updated" from the original text of the Hep B package insert: http://www.drugs.com/drp/hepatitis-b-vaccine-recombinant.html

There is a bunch of subsequent research documenting concern about the "efficacy" of the Hep B vaccine over time.

"Many studies have probed for the reasons why subjects fail to develop adequate anti-HBs titers after hepatitis B vaccination."

Effect of Revaccination Using Different Schemes among Adults with Low or Undetectable Anti-HBs Titers after Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2952995/

"Hepatitis B vaccine has been reported to decline rapidly within the first year and more slowly thereafter."

Duration of Long-term Immunity After Hepatitis B Virus Immunization: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01182311

Wainwright, R.B.; McMahon, B.J.; Bulkow, L.R., et al.: Duration of Immunogenicity and Efficacy of Hepatitis B Vaccine in a Yupik Eskimo Population, Preliminary Results of an 8-Year Study, in "Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease," F.B. Hollinger, S.M. Lemon, and H. Margolis (eds), Williams & Wilkins, 762-766, 1990.

Hadler, S.C.; Coleman, P.J.; O'Malley, P., et al.: Evaluation of Long-Term Protection by Hepatitis B Vaccine for Seven to Nine Years in Homosexual Men, in "Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease," F.B. Hollinger, S.M. Lemon, and H. Margolis (eds), Williams & Wilkins, 766-768, 1990.

Tong, M.J.; Stevens, C.E.; Taylor, P.E., et al.: Prevention of Hepatitis B Infection in Infants Born to HBeAg Positive HBsAg Carrier Mothers in the United States, in "An Update, 1989, Progress in Hepatitis B Immunization," P. Coursaget and M.J. Tong (eds), Colloque INSERM/John Libbey Eurotext Ltd., Vol. 194, 339-345, 1990.

Hwang, L-Y.; Lee, C-Y.; and Beasley, R.P.: Five-Year Follow-up of HBV Vaccination with Plasma-derived Vaccine in Neonates: Evaluation of Immunogenicity and Efficacy Against Perinatal Transmission, in "Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease," F.B. Hollinger, S.M. Lemon, and H. Margolis (eds), Williams & Wilkins, 759-761, 1990.

Source: http://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/fda/fdaDrugXsl.cfm?setid=12ead...

"Among children who respond to the complete primary 3-dose vaccination series with anti-HBs concentrations of >10 mIU/mL, 15%–50% have low or undetectable concentrations of anti-HBs 5–15 years after the start of the vaccination series [13].

In adults, anti-HBs concentrations decrease rapidly within the first year after primary vaccination and more slowly thereafter. A decrease was noticed to a level of <10 mIU/mL in 7%–50% of vaccinated adults within 5 years after vaccination and in 30%–60% within 9–11 years after vaccination [13]."

13. Plotkin S, Orsenstein W, Offit P. Vaccines. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2008.

Hepatitis B and the Need for a Booster Dose: http://cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/53/1/68.full

Hepatitis B vaccine in some populations with suboptimal immunogenic responses, such as preterm infants, the elderly, smokers, obese individuals, and those with chronic liver or renal diseases, diabetes mellitus (DM) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the anti-HBs antibody titre declines rapidly in the first year and then gradually after 1 year.21

Emerging hepatitis B virus infection in vaccinated populations: a rising concern? http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3630933/

Views: 912

Comment by Pat Robinson on April 13, 2015 at 2:18pm

"Universal varicella vaccination has not proven to be cost-effective as increased herpes zoster (HZ) or shingles morbidity has disproportionately offset cost savings associated with reductions in varicella disease.

Universal varicella vaccination has failed to provide long-term protection from varicella zoster virus (VZV)."


Comment by Pat Robinson on April 13, 2015 at 2:18pm

"Although there was an approximate fourfold (43%/11.3%) increase in the percentage of pregnant women vaccinated in 2009/2010 compared with 2008/2009, there was a 43.5-fold increase in fetal-loss reports – from 4 in 2008/2009 to 174 in 2009/2010."


Comment by Pat Robinson on April 13, 2015 at 2:18pm

"Our findings show a positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses administered and the percentage of hospitalizations and deaths. Since vaccines are given to millions of infants annually, it is imperative that health authorities have scientific data from synergistic toxicity studies on all combinations of vaccines that infants might receive. Finding ways to increase vaccine safety should be the highest priority."


Comment by Pat Robinson on April 13, 2015 at 2:19pm

Vaccination and genetic variations (African Americans & Latinos):

African Americans have few who are advocating for them against the powerful vaccination manufacturer lobby. I have concerns about the mass vaccination programs not considering genetic predisposition for adverse effects.

There is a gene called the CYP450 enzyme which is critical for effective detoxification. It is suppressed genetically in 43% of Africans. Unfortunately, CYP450 enzyme affects the safety and efficacy of 90% of therapeutic drugs and other environmental chemicals.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3868406/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23641907 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1390790/ http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/14/34 http://www.nature.com/tpj/journal/v13/n1/full/tpj201245a.html

There are some interesting variables regarding genetic testing and pharmaceutical medications. To simplify,

  • 90% of pharmaceutical drugs in use, including vaccine adjuvant detoxification, require the CYP450 enzyme.


  • 33-43% of Americans have an impaired CYP450 enzyme.


The risk of vaccine adverse drug reactions is worse for people with asthma, on blood thinners and seizure medications. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0601/p1553.html

CYP450 can either increase the rate of drug elimination (ultrametabolizers, leading to faster metabolic clearance potentially resulting in reduced effectiveness and need for higher doses) or decrease drug metabolism (poor metabolizers, which may increase the potential for drug interactions and adverse events). Toxicity and cancer are closely linked.

CYP450 varies by ethnicity. This leads to great diversity in individuals' susceptibility to environmental, chemical and drug toxicity.


Africans are especially susceptible to the drug interactions with the CYP450 enzyme: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2156/14/34

Since 1997, the FDA requires testing about the CYP450 with all new pharmaceuticals. Not old ones. Not vaccines.

Additionally, 40-60% of Americans have another genetic polymorphism, MTHFR, which further impairs detoxification. We do not test if people have these genetic issues before prescribing medications, or vaccinations. Although, the drugs are only tested on people without these genes.


Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions: A Focus on Drug Interaction: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/DevelopmentReso...

  • The MMR vaccination: autism correlation was related to African American boys having a 3 fold increase in autism with MMR vaccination.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25114790 http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/27/health/irpt-cdc-autism-vaccine-study/ http://www.ageofautism.com/2014/08/whistleblower-says-cdc-knew-in-2... http://healthimpactnews.com/2015/obama-grants-immunity-to-cdc-whistleblower-on-measles-vaccine-link-to-autism/

How do we empower the African American community to question and oppose mandatory mass vaccination of their children without parental consent, without physician discretion based upon the individual health of their child, and without consideration of the genetic risk and predisposition to adverse reactions from government forced vaccination?

Additionally, Latinos have a suppressed CYP3A4*10 enzyme and CYP3A4*16A enzyme.

http://www.pharmacologyweekly.com/articles/genetic-polymorphisms-cy... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0163725813000065 http://www.aafp.org/afp/2007/0801/p391.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15364537 http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/744945_3 http://www.hoajonline.com/jdrcm/2050-0866/1/22 https://books.google.com/books?id=XAfUAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA335&lpg... http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/ScienceResearch/.../UCM085502.pdf?hc_location=ufi

Pat Robinson

Comment by sally willod on August 29, 2016 at 4:09pm

Am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( cabby crew ) for 5 years but last year i loose my job because of this deadly disease called Hepatitis B (HbsAg), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HbsAg positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this clinic called HEALTH MED LAB CLINIC, that was how i contacted them and i get medication from them and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this clinic if you are hepatitis B positive their email is ( healthmedlab@gmail.com ) they are life saver.


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