~ Food Has Power ~
For starters, wounds that bleed well are hardly at risk of tetanus. Tetanus only grows in an anaerobic environment. For any future ACTUAL tetanus exposure, Immuoglobulin could be offered at the time of any serious injury. It would only be offered IF it were a very dirty cut, which hadn't been cleaned for a long duration, or a crush
injury. Developing tetanus is quite difficult unless you leave a wound unattended and filthy. Crushing wounds are more at risk. In the ER, they usually only offer the Td which does nothing for current tetanus exposure.
Additionally, heat helps to kill tetanus bacteria. So, I'd maybe soak a wound in some really hot Epsom salts to
help with wound healing. I'd pour on some hydrogen peroxide which is H2O2 (extra oxygen), after any ACTUAL significant wound injury. The extra oxygen kills tetanus spores additionally.
Here are a few old threads to help:
Tetanus spores are everywhere but hard to develop; they are found predominately in chicken, pig and horse manure. Only 28 cases in 300 million Americans in 2007. And three deaths, generally elderly or immunocompromised individuals. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/ss5203a1.html Most tetanus cases resolve without any health issues. Additionally, serious tetanus rarely progresses and can be localized and insignificant, as the body addresses it naturally. Bleeding and cleaning are adequate, imo.
From my understanding, in WWI, before the tetanus vaccine existed, there were merely 40 cases of tetanus, despite men laying with open wounds in cow fields, prior to current surgical cleansing of wounds, etc. The tetanus vaccine requires repeated exposure to have any effect, and most ALL adults are not considered "adequately" vaccinated for Td. And still there are very few tetanus cases every year. I'm fully confident we would just clean any wound with some soap and water, maybe soak it in Epsom salts, and pour on some H2O2. And for a puncture wound, I'd give homeopathic Ledum. No worries. :-)
There is a whole forum of archives related to Diptheria, Pertussis, & Tetanus in the Vaccine forum on Mothering.com If I were vaccinating, which we are not, I would only choose single disease exposures at a time. I
certainly would not vaccinate with pertussis.
I was just reporting the lack of research on vaccines safety and efficacy, BEFORE marketing. Here are the sample size for the Tdap vaccine "research" (note the actual age of those tested--- so about no children age 7 had been tested with this vaccine, before marketing! Obviously, none with detoxification issues such as the MTHFR gene polymorphism are identified. And they only do "long-term adverse reaction" follow up for 5-30 days, no long-term physiological or biological measures of safety are performed.)
Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced -Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed - (Tdap) https://www.vaccineshoppe.com/image.cfm?pi=400-10&image_type=product_pdf
Other ingredients per dose include 1.5 mg aluminum phosphate (0.33 mg aluminum) as the adjuvant, ²5 μg residual formaldehyde, <50 ng residual glutaraldehyde and 3.3 mg (0.6% v/v) 2-phenoxyethanol (not as a preservative).
(study 1 referenced, page 2) N = 4,480 participants; 2,053 adolescents (11-17 years of age) and 2,427 adults (18-64 years of age).
[NOTE: limited younger age range for Tdap and no control comparison without vaccination, 1,270 Adacel were vaccine recipients and 1,026 were Td vaccine recipients]
(study 2 referenced, page 4) CONCURRENTLY ADMINISTERED VACCINES Hepatitis B Vaccine N = 204 and N = 206 children age 11-14 only
(study 3 referenced, page 4) Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine N = 359 and N = 361 adults, 19-64 years
They can check the sample size in the product insert of ANY vaccine
directly: http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/package_inserts.htm#Top
VAERS.gov has paid out billions of dollars to parents of children who have been irreparably damaged, including deaths. Vaccine manufactures are protected from liability of financial damages caused by vaccines. Manufactures have no restitution due any child who is damaged. The government funds the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System's damages. http://vaers.hhs.gov/index
Here is more about Vaccine Choice: http://xploringholisticalternatives.ning.com/forum/topics/2327957:Topic:212
Absolutely, I would not vaccinate my child with gut issues, for something so unlikely at tetanus. The unknown risk of injecting the vaccine ingredients seems much greater to me.
For a puncture wound, in our family, we would make it bleed well. Soak in HOT Epsom salt water and apply a bit of lavender essential oil and coconut oil. I'd take homeopathic Ledum.
ichthammol ointment is my other goto as a drawing salve http://www.amazon.com/Drawing-Salve-Ichthammol-Ointment-20/dp/B003M...
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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