I saw a lot about St Johns Wort both tincture and topically (oil).

Plant Allies: https://www.facebook.com/PlantAllies/posts/220822301277263

Heal Thyself: https://www.facebook.com/HealThyself/posts/10150193998869243

Someone suggested, "Homeopathic remedy - herpes zoster. Worked in three days on DH. Never came back."

Discussion on FB
: Shingles: https://www.facebook.com/HealThyself/posts/10150113885109243

topical relief: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eczema-steroid-creme

photos: http://images.google.com/images?svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&q=pi...

No NSAIDs (like Iburophen!!)

this is an old post about chicken pox: http://www.mothering.com/community/forum/thread/1201500/steroid-cre...

Mostly I see topical ACV, papaya, pineapple for enzymes and topical capsaicin, repeatedly.

Proteolytic Enzymes

Proteolytic enzymes are enzymes that are produced naturally by the pancreas to help digest protein we eat.

They are also found in certain foods, such as papaya and pineapple. Supplements derived from papaya (called papain), pineapple (called bromelain), and from animal pancreas can be found online, in health food stores, and in some grocery and drug stores.

In a German study, 96 people with shingles took proteolytic enzymes for 14 days and another 96 people with shingles took acyclovir, a standard antiviral medication. Both groups experienced similar pain relief and skin improvement, with the exception of skin redness, which showed greater improvement with the acyclovir treatment. The group taking proteolytic enzymes had significantly fewer side effects.

Capsaicin Cream - In one study, people used either capsaicin cream or a placebo cream. After six weeks, almost 80 percent of people who used the capsaicin cream had significantly greater pain relief compared to people who used the placebo cream.

Other Natural Remedies

Herbal remedies: http://www.herbalremediesworld.com/herbal-remedies-shingles.html

Natural Treatment For Shingles

Lysine -- Lysine prevents the absorption of arginine which the shingles virus needs to stay active. Take 1,000mg of lysine up to three times a day. You should see immediate improvement. Don't take lysine with any milk products.

Cayenne Pepper and Aloe Vera Gel -- Try mixing a small amount of cayenne pepper and aloe vera gel. Apply it to the infected area for immediate pain relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar -- Use ACV to relieve pain. You can apply the apple cider vinegar directly on the affected areas by dabbing it on with a soft cloth. Let it dry and then repeat as often as needed. It helps the blisters heal more rapidly.

MSM -- MSM can help with pain relief. Take 1000mg at least twice a day.

Vitamin C -- Take between 2,000 and 4,000mg of Vitamin C to help boost your immune system.


Eastern & Western alternatives: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1728

Home Remedies: http://www.home-remedies-for-you.com/articles/170/medicines-and-rem...

Testimonials: http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/shingles.html

Greenmedinfo: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/shingles


Reishi Mushroom

Clinacanthus nutans

Enzyme Therapy

Fruit: All



B12, vit C, E, zinc: http://www.natural-treatment-guide.com/shingles/shingles-remedy.html

Long list of 'To Do': http://www.herbs2000.com/disorders/shingles.htm

Herbs: http://www.livestrong.com/article/71872-herbs-treat-shingles/

Chinese herbs: http://leungschineseherbnews.blogspot.com/2007/09/4-remedies-for-sh...

I've heard positive experience with Wild Oregano Oil. I did just find this: http://www.listen2yourgut.com/blog/wild-oregano-oil-antiviral-proto...

And this: http://curingherbs.com/wild_oregano_oil.htm

Anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10815019

This study specific to EOs and herpes virus: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3096453/

this article cites gamma-terpene, p-cymene, thymol and alpha-pinene in OoO as the (probable) active constituents: http://www.livestrong.com/article/193976-oregano-oil-for-shingles/

But, I haven't located any medical studies supporting the anti-viral properties of OoO.  Although, many people swear by it.


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