Ginger - Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is one of the more popular natural remedies for motion sickness. It has been used for centuries in cooking and medicinally.

Acupressure - According to traditional Chinese medicine, pressing on an acupuncture point called "pericardium 6" (P6) may relieve nausea and motion
sickness. The point is located on the inside of the forearm, about two
inches above the crease of the wrist.

A person can press on the point using the index finger of the opposite hand.

Alternatively, acupressure wrist bands, often marketed as "sea bands", stimulate the point.
  • If you know that you get motion sickness, keep your head still. Rest your head against your seat.

  • Don't read. Depending on your mode of travel, try focusing your gaze on a stationary, distant object.

  • Avoid spicy foods, alcohol, or overeating. You may wish to try having dry crackers or a carbonated beverage to settle your stomach in case your stomach is upset.

How to prevent Motion Sickness:

Pick the right seat. If possible, sit in an area with the smoothest ride, where motion is least likely to be felt in the first place. When making a plane
reservation, ask for an aisle seat over a wing. On a train, opt for a
car toward the front. Sit in the front seat of an automobile. And on a
ship, ask for a cabin toward the center of the vessel.

Avoid standing. The last thing you need when you're trying to keep your stomach settled is to be tossed around during the trip.

Face forward. Choose a seat that faces in the direction you are traveling, so that the forward motion your body feels will match what you see.

Minimize head movements. Try to avoid sudden movements of your head, which can aggravate motion sickness.

Stay up. While you may be tempted to go below when you're feeling queasy on a boat, stay on deck as much as possible, so your eyes can confirm the
movement that your body is feeling.

Look off into the distance. Not to daydream, but to focus on a steady point away from the rocky boat, plane, or car. If there isn't a tree or barn or other specific
object in the distance to focus on, stare out at the horizon, where the
sky meets the earth (or water). Again, this will allow your eyes to see
that you are moving -- to match the movement your body feels --
without making you dizzy, the way that watching telephone poles or mile
markers whizzing by can make you feel.

Leave your reading at home. If you read in a car, your eyes stay fixed on a stationery object, yet your body feels the motion of the car -- again setting up that sensory
contradiction. Instead, focus on the road in front of you or at a
distant object so all your senses can confirm that you are on the move.

Volunteer to drive. Drivers are so busy watching the road that they're less apt to get carsick.

Eat a little or don't eat at all. Sometimes eating helps, sometimes it doesn't. Experiment to see what works for you. About an hour before you leave, eat some plain crackers
or a piece of bread or toast. If it makes you feel worse, don't eat
next time -- keep your stomach calm and empty, in case you should start
to get nauseated.

Avoid heavy foods and odors. The smell of spicy or greasy foods and strong odors can prompt motion sickness before or during a trip. So skip the stop at the roadside

Say no to alcohol. Avoid alcoholic beverages before and during a trip. It can worsen motion sickness.

Stay calm, cool, and collected. Sometimes, just the thought of getting sick can make you sick. The same goes for those who are anxious about what they're about to do,
like flying in a plane or riding in a boat. Try to stay as calm and
relaxed as possible. Take a few deep breaths, and tell yourself that
you will not get sick.

Try over-the-counter remedies. Antihistamines, such as Dramamine, Bonine, and Marezine, should be taken at least an hour before the trip for maximum effectiveness.
Always check the label for warnings and possible side effects, such as
drowsiness or blurred vision, and take necessary precautions, such as
not driving a car.

Stay away from others who are sick. The power of suggestion is very strong, especially if you have a tendency to get a bit "green" yourself. As callous as it may sound, let someone
with a sturdier stomach tend to the sick; you should be looking at the
horizon or at another steady point in the distance.

Home Remedies From the Cupboard

Crackers. Take these easily digestible snacks along and nibble on them every couple of hours to help prevent nausea and vomiting. An empty stomach
makes it more likely that you will get sick.

Ginger. Ginger has long been known as an herbal remedy for queasiness, but modern science has proved this spice has merit, especially for motion
sickness. One study discovered that ginger was actually better than
over-the-counter motion sickness drugs. Make a ginger tea to take along
with you when you're traveling by cutting 10 to 12 slices of fresh
ginger and placing them in a pot with 1 quart water. Boil for ten
minutes. Strain out the ginger, and add 1/2 cup honey or maple syrup for
sweetening if you like.

Low-fat foods. If you eat a low-fat meal before you head out on your trip, you may avoid getting sick. Eating something before you leave makes your
stomach more capable of handling the ups and downs of the road. Experts
say not eating destabilizes the stomach's electrical signals, making
you susceptible to nausea and vomiting.

Peppermint candies or lozenges. If you start feeling sick, get out the peppermints. Not only will you end up with fresh minty breath when you arrive at your destination,
you'll also calm your queasiness. And if you're traveling with little
ones, try placing 1 drop peppermint oil on their tongues before the
trip. It may quash the queasies.

©2007 Publications International, Ltd.
Drinking decaffeinated tea
at the first sign of motion sickness
may help relieve nausea.

Tea. Sip on some warm tea if you start feeling sick. Warm beverages tend to be easier on a nauseated tummy than a tall glass of cold water. Go for
the decaf brew; caffeinated drinks aren't a good idea for unstable

Home Remedies From the Freezer

Ice. Sucking on some ice chips may help calm your stomach and help divert your attention from your unsettled tummy.

Home Remedies From the Refrigerator

Apple juice. Drink a glass of apple juice with your pre-travel low-fat meal. Giving your body a bit of sugar with fluids before you start your journey
should help you down the road. And if you start feeling ill, sipping
(not gulping) some juice may help you feel better. Almost any
non-citrus juice will do. Citrus juice irritates an already unstable

Whether it's from a plane, train, or automobile, motion sickness can be
crippling to those affected by it. Use the home remedies outlined in
this article to help get rid of that queasy feeling before it begins.

Homeopathics for Motion Sickness

  • Argentum Nitricum

    Homeopaths may suggest this remedy for someone with dizziness, nausea and vomiting, especially if the person is excitable and anxious. The
    person may also feel claustrophobic.

  • Borax

    The symptom associated with this remedy is a fear of downward motion, such as during the landing of an airplane.

  • Cocculus Indicus

    This is the most popular remedy for motion sickness. Nausea, especially when it worsens with the sight or smell of food, is a keynote
    of this remedy. The person may feel extremely weak and dizzy and have
    to lie down, or may have an empty or hollow feeling in the stomach.
    Symptoms may be worse after becoming cold, moving about or from lack of
    sleep. This remedy is often used for car or sea sickness, when watching
    moving objects worsens the nausea and dizziness.

  • Kali Bichromicum

    This remedy is used for seasickness. It's often used for severe nausea and dizziness that's worse from standing up. The person may feel
    weak and achy, especially in the bony areas of the face or head. The
    vomit may be bright yellow.

  • Nux Vomica

    This remedy is used for severe nausea with an intense headache that may be at the back of the head or over one eye. The person desires
    warmth and loathes food, tobacco and coffee. There may also be bloating,
    gagging and possibly retching with nothing coming up.

  • Petroleum

    Persistent nausea with an empty feeling in the stomach suggests this remedy, especially if the person feels a little better after warmth and
    eating food. There may be excessive salivation, stomach pain, and pain
    or stiffness at the back of the head or neck. The person may feel worse
    with light, noise or when attempting to sit up.

  • Rhus Toxicodendron

    This remedy is often used for airsickness when there is nausea and vomiting but no appetite. The person may feel very giddy when attempting
    to sit up, may have an intense headache around the forehead, and his or
    her scalp may feel sensitive to the touch. There may also be dryness
    of the mouth and throat and unquenchable thirst.

  • Tabacum

    If a person is nauseous, faint, green, extremely pale, icy cold, or very tired with a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach,
    this remedy may be indicated. These symptoms may also be accompanied by a
    cold sweat, yellow or yellow-green vomit and a headache that feels like
    a tight band pulled around the head. The person may feel better with
    cold, fresh air or when closing the eyes, and worse with any movement.

  • Combination of Remedies

    Cocculus indicus, petroleum, and tabacum can be used in combination. If the latter two remedies are unavailable, cocculus indicus is the most
    common single remedy for motion sickness.

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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)

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