I'm so thankful for all the wonderful people in this group

[Guest blog post from Jill Walker-Larson.]

I'm so thankful for all the wonderful people in this group who helped guide me during my self treatments. My health has improved dramatically. I've lost weight am still losing weight (just an added perk ;) ), the swelling at the back of my head and neck has just about disappeared! No stomach pain, no varicose vein flareups, cellulite is disappearing too, which I was recently told means I am becoming more alkaline and removing toxins!! 8) I love this group!

I cut out all processed foods, and gluten. In the beginning I did a lot of juicing, mostly with the vegetables cause I can't stand eating vegetables. Juiced about 3 or 4 times a day though, and was rarely ever hungry. Eventually I started eating whole foods again, fruits, vegetables, nuts, steelcut oats, I even started eating eggs in butter. I use farm eggs and kerrygold butter, raw is hard to find in Florida.

I also started oil pulling with coconut oil in the beginning, which I stopped doing because of my amalgam fillings. I began to experiment with the oil though, when I get flareups in my varicose vein (right leg from mid calf up to mid thigh) it lasts for days. I read a lot about coconut oil and decided to give it a try so I started massaging that leg with coconut oil when it would start to flare up.. it took a good hour of massaging with lots of oil, but the inflammation would go away and stay away for at least a month at a time.

When I started adding coconut oil into my diet (smoothies, juices, cooking) I noticed the vein disappearing. This is a huge fat blue vein, I've had it since I can remember, and after two pregnancies it got bigger and stretched all the way up and down my leg. I haven't had a flareup in months which is unusual enough, but for the vein to be disappearing, I never knew they could do that. Of course I was also told you can't get rid of cellulite either, but that is pretty much gone, and I had it bad! Even when I was a teenager and in a size 2, I had cellulite. People always said you only had cellulite if you were fat, which isn't true. I recently learned that cellulite stored toxins. So if you eliminate toxins, you eliminate the cellulite. There was a lot more detail to it, but it all made sense when I read it because mine is going away!

When I started detoxing I noticed my cellulite looked smoother, but I wasn't sure.. I can definitely see the change now though. It's the bodies reaction to healing. I had swollen lymph nodes and the ones in my neck were rock hard.. that's all gone. I was diagnosed with a tumor back in 2002, the doctor found it behind my right ear, which has caused me some problems since 2001. I would completely lose vision in my left eye, dizziness, headaches, nausea probably from the dizziness.. lol. I was told it isn't cancerous (most likely), I refused the biopsy because I knew I would not do the treatments, so I may as well not have bothered. Problem is it has been growing over time and you can feel it, it even got to the point you could see it, because there was no curve at the back of my head where the tumor was.. between the bottom of the ear where it meets the neck.. it was just a rounded area. I have long hair so it's easy to keep covered.. I am starting to get the curve back though, and I can definitely feel the difference when I press behind there. There is still a lump there, but it's nothing like it used to be.

My problem is sometimes I fall off the diet, and I don't mean quit the day, but like the other night I ate some ice cream, was the first time in months.. all I could taste was chemicals, which is something else that has happened to me since I've changed my diet.. my body is so cleaned out now that my senses are stronger, and whatever is in food or a drink, I can smell it and taste it. I still crave some junk now and then, but when I eat it, it isn't what I remember it tasting like.. it's just awful now.

I've been very acidic for a long time.. which led to candida overgrowth.. I had my first yeast infection when I was 16, just didn't know what it was.. but I had them a lot, along with bladder infections and I don't know if I ever had kidney infections, but I had a lot of pain in that area. Ulcers, and the doctors put me on a really stupid diet for that! I was allowed bread and water basically, but the other foods on the list were acidic foods, and more gluten! The ulcers were most likely something that formed from eating the same foods they put me on. I had a toenail fungus and my doctor put me on antibiotics for it.. so it just kept feeding the candida issue.

I'd probably go and see a doctor if I had a problem and wasn't sure what it was, but I refuse to let them treat me.

I wish I would have documented everything, but I honestly never knew I would get the results I did. I wanted it to work, but I just didn't trust that it would work, because nothing ever worked. My sister started the same time as me though, and she has had great results too. We both notice when we eat foods that aren't natural, we feel gross afterwards.. very sickly and it does affect our moods. Our bodies just don't like anything toxic, and making us feel sick or depressed, that is its way of saying "don't eat that, it's bad", lol.

They hide excitotoxins (I'm not sure how to spell it) in processed foods which is very addictive, and it makes you feel hungry. It helps turn off that switch in your brain that tells you you've eaten enough. So when you eat chips, candy, pizza, anything that is processed, you are loading up with chemicals that tell your brain to eat more, because you are still hungry. Real foods have nutrients instead of chemicals.. when you eat nutrients, your body feels full faster because it is getting what it wants, and if it isn't getting what it wants, it will crave it. I don't crave junk food anymore.. sometimes I'll crave chocolate, but it can't be sweet, it has to be bitter.. the more bitter the better. All it takes is a few nibbles and my craving is gone. I don't crave anything processed anymore.

It's like when I gave up cigarettes, of course I craved them at first and it caused mood swings and all kinds of emotional problems for me.. but now (10 years later) I don't crave them at all. I'd like to smoke one, but I know if I do, I'll be addicted all over again. Cigarette smoke gives me ear infections now, so I have to avoid it anyway.

My food addiction was just as bad as that though, I went through withdrawals and just had a lot of issues with having to give up everything I liked, but eventually it passed, and my tastes changed, and I just can't stand the smell of that crap anymore, let alone the taste.

Still working on my kids diets.. I cook constantly now. They used to eat cereal, apple jacks, Frosted kelloggs, froot loops, they used to eat fast food too. I cut all that out a few months ago. If it has a food dye, I put it back! They are starting to eat more vegetables and fruits.. I'm getting them there, but this is a big switch for them too. Once in a while I may buy them a soda, but my youngest never ends up drinking his. He doesn't like the taste anymore and he doesn't know why ;)

Like I said I wish I had stuff to back it up- photos and such. Lesson learned, I will start doing that from now on when I have an issue! I can't tell you what a mess I was when I joined this group. And the people in here gave me so much information and so many choices that if one thing didn't work, I could try another. I couldn't have come this far on my own though.. I was so overwhelmed.. I'd ask questions and the group would respond.. I'd sit here with my little notepad writing it all down.. lol

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