[Guest blog post from Donna Schwenk of Cultured Food Life 

I have had seasonal allergies since I was 12 or 13 years old. For months in the springtime I locked myself inside turning to drug and steroids which ruined and harmed my immune system. This seemed to be what everybody did and I followed having no where else to look.


After I discovered the power that cultured foods held for me. I went on a  search and destroy mission to fix and heal these allergies that made me feel like the world was coming to and end every spring.


It took me 7 to 8 years to understand and work with my body to understand what was actually happening. I no longer have seasonal allergies. I take walks outside and smell the flowers. I wear heavy sunglasses when I take my springtime walks, because my eyes fill with tears as I hear the birds sing. I feel so grateful for the wisdom that came to me to cure this 40  year aliment and allows me to go outside and not be a prisoner in my home.


The process of healing was a long one because there was much to learn. Here is what I have discovered.


When you body has a reaction to pollen it is your body overreacting to a substance that it should not overreact to. It is treating pollen as a foreign invader and sending out inflammatory substances  to try and compensate. Allergic symptoms are often nothing more than the body’s reaction to stress. Whatever stresses our bodies presently have, our bodily cells have previously learned how to successfully cope with such. It is already built into our genes, our chromosomes and our DNA.


I noticed when I first starting eating cultured foods, that the symptoms were greatly reduced but they did not go away completely. Each year that I ate these foods I noticed that the time I had my allergies was shorten. Each year I had one less week of allergies. What started out as 2 to 3 months of symptoms was reduced every year by one week until I got to only 3 to 5 days of symptoms. My adrenals were over worked and exhausted so I discovered ways to support them and as I did they responded in turn by healing me.


The first thing I did was take every cultured food I could find. When I would eat cultured vegetables the huge amount of Vitamin C and B’s contained in these foods would help me tremendously. Kombucha with it’s huge amount of B vitamins and good bacteria and yeast could make me feel better and less exhausted in 20 minutes. I discovered that B vitamins are the key to helping support your adrenals and I found lots of ways to take B vitamins. They are abundant in every cultured food from kefir, cultured veggies, kombucha and sprouted breads. Processed foods and sugars deplete B vitamins and anything that spikes insulin in a dramatic way, effects your adrenals.


Healthy gut Flora is the number one thing to know to help your body absorb and use B vitamins, which in turn will strengthen your adrenals. Healthy gut flora is able to synthesize B vitamins, enzymes and proteins so we are never depleted. When gut flora is out of balance this production is impaired. It is crucial to be aware of the importance of probiotics in your diet to help re populate healthy gut flora.


I found that taking Dessicated liver tabs was a key to supporting my body and I take them everyday to this day. Dessicated liver is dried liver and formed into a tablet. They have huge amounts of B vitamins and are a whole food supplement. They are  effortless for the body to use. They are so powerful they can make you feel fantastic with the amount of B vitamins they deliver to you in a few hours. We have a joke in our family when ever anybody is grouchy, one of us will say,” somebody needs some liver tablets.” It is such a mood lifter. I can not tell you how much I love this whole food supplement. During allergy season since this is a food supplement, I can take anywhere from 3 to 12 a day. The wonderful thing is that they are not expensive and you get a lot when you order them. You can also eat liver but I have never found a way to handle it very well and prefer to take the dessicated liver tabs because of their ease and ability to take as many as I need. Every year I did these few things I got better, until my symptoms were reduced to just 3 to 4 days. But two years  ago I found the missing piece that eliminated all my symptoms and allowed my to go outside and be a real person in the spring.


I was teaching a cultured food class at a health food store and the owner of the store came to me and handed me a bottle of something called E3 live, and told me that the distributor asked her to give it to me to try. It was frozen and needed to stay that way so I placed it in my freezer and forgot about it. That next spring I found myself laying on the couch having 3 days of exhaustion from my allergies. This was so much better than the months I used to experience. It still upset me because I couldn’t be myself and do the things I wanted to. I was just so tired and that makes me crazy. I am use to having tons of energy so I felt like somebody had put me in prison. I went to the kitchen to get something out of the freezer and the bottle of E3 live fell out of the freezer and landed on my toe and broke my toenail. 



I picked it up and noticed on the back of the bottle it listed the ingredients, and that it had huge amounts,of B-12  with 2030 % of daily values recommend dose. So I began taking 3 tbsp of this E3 live which was blue-green algae and had 65 vitamins minerals amino acids and essential fatty acids. Within  a few hours all my symptoms were gone and stayed gone. I went on the internet and discovered all the wonderful things about this product. What is E3 live?  It is blue-green algae that is an all-organic wild-harvested aqua-botanical considered by renowned health authorities to be nature’s most beneficial superfood. Along with the other things I was doing this was the last piece that gave my body what it needed to heal.


Here are the exact things I did.

I had cultured vegetable 2 to 3 times a day about 1/2 cup total

1 to 2 cups of 2nd fermented kefir

Kombucha as much as I needed usually 16 ounce a day but sometimes more.

6 to 12 dessicated liver tabs a day spread through out the day

3 to 6 tbsps of E3 live

I also only ate sprouted grain bread or sourdough and not regular bread.


Absolutely no sugar or processed foods. Only healthy nutrient rich foods.

It has affected  so much of my life as I have healed my adrenals. My adrenals have responded to my life style choices by giving me boundless energy and allowing me to only need 5 to 6 hours a night and feel so good in astonishes me. I have such appreciation for my own body’s ability to teach me what it needs, that it almost feels at times as if it could talk. It was always the journey of this life that I have been most interested in. Wanting and discovering answers to life’s problems only to find that the problems and struggles have brought the greatest joys to my life.


This is my journey but maybe it can help you find answers to your own life. Always seeking to uplift others, as I myself have been uplifted. We all need each other to shed light on areas that might otherwise been concealed in darkness. Hope this will help another to lead the live they were meant to. I life filled with smelling the roses along the way. ~ Donna

Read more about Donna and her amazing journey of healing herself at Cultured Food Life!

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