Guest Blog Post from Jessica David of Conveying Awareness.]

Are your smiles big, "felt"(1), with most of your teeth showing or are they on the serious side, "social"(1), but still pleasant? I think it doesn't matter what your smile looks like as long as it's genuine.

L-R: My sister's felt smile and my social smile.

9 Reasons to Smile

1. It's an instant mood lifter.
Has anyone ever said to you, "Smile when you're talking to someone on the phone?" It's because the other person can pick up that you're smiling. If you have a difficult call to make, try smiling while dialing the number and then throughout the conversation as you speak. Smiling while you're speaking softens your tone. It's kind of difficult to sound mad when you're smiling.

2. They say it takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown.
I bet you've heard something along those lines floating around. But this concept (2) carries little weight. Why? Because we all smile differently. However, I surely would prefer to have the lines on my face when I age be from smiling. Wouldn't you?

3. Like food and music, smiling brings people together.
It's a universal sign; it is recognized by every nation. And, babies smile as soon as they're born. Matter of fact, if you've chosen to get an ultrasound while you were pregnant, your baby in utero may have cracked a smile. Smiling is innate. 

4. Smiling breaks down barriers and takes the edge off of meeting a group of new people.
Picture this: You walk into a meeting with a group of unfamiliar faces; do you smile or keep your head down? Maybe both. I bet though if you smile, you'll be received as warm and friendly. 

5. Do you find it difficult to smile?
Some say, "Fake it 'til you make it" and you can do so with smiling. How? At some point in your day find 5 minutes and force yourself to smile continuously. Sound easy, right? I recommend doing it when you're getting ready for the day. Start your day smiling. You will smile throughout the day! Promise! 

6. Smiling boosts confidence.
When you're smiling at people, you're looking into their eyes and even if for a split second, you're connecting; however, if you're frowning, you may be looking down or away. There's no connection to be made. As a people, most of us want that warm connection. We want to matter!

7. Smiling boosts the immune system because it naturally reduces stress (3). 
As many of us know, stress is one of the components that we must keep in check if we want to live our healthiest life. Some stress is good because it keeps us alert and it primes the brain for optimal performance per UC Berkeley (4)

8.  Smiling can lead to laughter.
I mean you're already half way there. A smile is a quiet laugh. Sometimes when I smile at my husband, he asks me, "What are you laughing at?" I think --- I'm just smiling. But, he's onto something. A smile could be construed as a quiet laugh and quite frankly, laughing is just as good for the soul for, it, too, boosts moods! About dot com talks about 4 benefits of stress management from laughter (5).

9. Smiling is contagious. Go out and catch one and pass it on!


Bio: Jessica David is a Certified L.E.A.N. Health Coach and the owner and founder of Conveying Awareness providing nutrition tips via a plethora of resources. Jessica feels that through encouragement we can impart education with lasting results. She advocates for families to eat more fruits and vegetables. She lives in Ridgecrest, California with her husband and their son.

Find Jessica on her blog, Conveying Awareness, on Pinterest, and on Instagram.

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