~ Food Has Power ~
I have a 7 y/o daughter and her molars came in. The two on the bottom have cavities. The dentist said it didn't look like they covered very well with enamel. I feel very bad that these are her teeth she has to keep for a lifetime and they came in bad. We eat organic food and local when we can. We raise our own grass fed beef and have chickens for eggs that are out on pasture with some grain that is non-gmo. My daughter drinks raw milk and kefir shakes, eats raw cheese, vegetable and fruits, soaked grains and nuts. This is all the majority of the time. She does seek out sweets when we are out and about at church and parties etc.... She also enjoys carbohydrates and I try to keep that to a minimum if it is not soaked etc..... She takes cod liver oil and probiotics. We filter our water with a berkey. I also juice for her and she eats saurkraut. Our holistic medical dr. said there may be issues with her endocrine system? I haven't explored that yet. I am seeking out what to do and how to treat it. We have an appt. to drill and fill but I am looking at other options. Does anyone have any experience with ozone therapy? We are using MI paste since we found out about this. Her ph of her mouth is 6.5 -7.0. I know I need to expand out and do more with nutrition but feel like I am doing the best I can right now and it seems like it should be enough. Does anyone have any suggestions about treatment, supplements or nutrition?
Thank you sincerely,
Ozone therapy has many positive results, according to the mamas on Alternative Kids Teeth.
Have you tried topical antimicrobials such as peppermint oil, coconut oil? And what about topical minerals? I've heard of mag/cal powders topically.
Increase saliva ph with plant based foods, water swish and spit. Or even baking soda/sea salt swish and spit. Also, bedtime brushing is the MOST important time. Snacking lowers saliva ph, rinse afterwards is huge to neutralizing ph. Fresh fruit is less sticky/cavity causing than fresh fruit, they say.
Cinnamon and cloves help kill the S. Mutans. Onions, dandelion and garlic help too. Lemon juice in water helps ph. Green tea has documented benefits too. Manuka honey also.
And xylitol (birch based, NOT corn-based) topically also has a lot of research.
Many mamas like the Water Pik for effective cleaning.
But, we inherit our mineral supply/deficiencies from our grandmothers and mother. Our son has soft enamel too...
This "Tooth Powder" product looks interesting!
or make your own tincture/mouth rinse.
I like this herbal vit C too. You can buy these herbs in bulk at Mountain Rose Herbs. :-)
Thank you for your information. Would I use the coconut oil as oil pulling? Swish it in the mouth for 15 minutes and how many times a day? How would I use the peppermint oil? I was using sea salt water to rinse with after brushing but after we were using it, it made our teeth sensitive and I had areas that hypercalcified along the gum line that broke down some. So can you explain the salt/baking soda to apply topically? I know lemons are acidic to the mouth but alkaline to the body. So drinking lemon water then rinsing would be important. How else besides a mouth wash would I incorporate cloves or cinnamon? So after eating, having her eat some spinach and then water swish and spit would help with ph? Are these all things that have helped your son? Has his teeth improved? Has he had trouble with cavities? Where do you find xylitol birch based? How do you use it? I have joined the group you listed just can't access it yet until approved. Any ideas on where to find ozone therapy in the midwest? Can you think of any other important foods to incorporate in her diet that I am leaving out?
Thanks for your help,
I would select one of the items to try that seems easiest, most convenient/agreeable for your child to be consistent about. (food grade) Peppermint EO is just one drop on a tooth brush, or make a poultice of mint to apply directly to the tooth.
Coconut oil swish/spit might be too difficult? Sea salt and baking soda as a rinse and spit. Cloves or cinnamon can be made as a tea to rinse the teeth-swish/spit/brush with the tea.
Xylitol birch has to be hunted down. I think it is available from the UK, not sure about in the US.
Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth & Gum Powder looks interesting also: http://www.drchristophers.com/cuts-powders/herbal-tooth-gum-powder.php
Many people swear by it. :-)
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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