~ Food Has Power ~
Hello everyone, I am really, really hoping that someone can help me to find some answers/solutions regarding my daughter's tooth decay. My son had the same type of problem. At a little over a year he had some white spots (decalcification spots) on his teeth and once he turned two the decay was severe enough to warrant 4 extractions, 4 baby root canals, and four crowns. (I made sure the crowns were stainless steel not amalgam) I suspected reflux, I know now that we both have dairy sensitivities and that led to persistant thrush so my theory was that the acidity was just too high in his mouth from the yeast so it ate away at his tooth enamel. I didn't buy it that it was "baby bottle mouth" in my exclusively breastfed child.
My daughter is 14 months old and had her first check up/cleaning a month ago for the white spots on her teeth which have now turned brownish following a course of antibiotics. What gives? The dentist says that some people just seem to have a hereditary disposition toward tooth decay or weak enamel but I am afraid that this is really just a symptom of a larger problem that I am not picking up on. I have suspected gluten intolerance and when I read through celiac sites many of the symptoms listed really ring true for our family in general. But when I track our eating habits I feel like everything is so ambiguous. I know that we don't handle conventional dairy well, but some forms of cultured/organic stuff seem fine. Other than that, I don't see clear patterns. I have "Healing Tooth Decay with Nutrition" on order to arrive soon and we are going to be adding some good fish oil from Nordic Naturals this week as well and we are brushing with Spry (Xylitol) toothpaste but the rate of the decay in my son was so fast that now that I am seeing brown spots on my daughter's teeth I feel like it is count down to general anesthesia again and major dental work. Any help and or insight would be GREATLY appreciated!
I'm looking for answers too! My 3 year old has 3 spots, one of which is becoming a deep pit in her molar. I'm afraid to get her teeth filled.
Only things I can think of....water quality? Is their water flouridated and or highly acidic? Ours is. And I think it's playing it's own role.
Also I've been using Tom's of Maine Toothpaste for kids (unflouridated) I think the glycerin in it has blocked any remineralization. I also noticed a brown spot on my tooth when I used Tom's Of Maine- and when my daughter started getting the same looking brown spots- I can't help but correlate it's from the (Crap) that is in their so called "natural" toothpaste.
My holistic dentist does reccomend xylitol- he even said xylitol gum (although is has glycerin) and xylitol spray and toothpaste. We just started on the glycerin sls free Branam xylitol gel. We'll see if it helps.
The book you ordered is great- I love it. Dietary intervention has helped me personally slow and stop decay. It can be very overwhelming- but once you locate the high quality foods, it's worth the money and effort. Getting my child to eat them- is a different story. She does do High vitamin CLO from Green Pastures. The book says just CLO (enough of it, frequently enough-throughout the day) WILL reduce cavities by 40% combining it with butter oil makes it more effective.
I'd be interested in what others have to say about food allergies being linked to decay? I haven't researched this. My daughter loves her whole raw milk- I'd hate to think it was triggering her tooth decay? She doesn't eat a lot of gluten, but probably more of it than I do.
So- what toothpaste has she been using? Water quality?
Maybe you could find a holistic or biological dentist? (There is a list on curetoothdecay.com)
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“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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