We have been dealing with a parasitic protozoan/ameoba infection with our family for a long time. I have perosnally ahd it for going on 9 months or so. We believe that we got it from our well water. My 2.5 year old and I had stool tests and we came back with having a parasitic infection of non-human origin. Unfortunately tje Metametrix test could not identify what kind it is. I am really at the end of trying to figure out how to get rid of this. Any and all help and advice is welcome. This is what we have been doing.

Cat's Claw capsules
major probiotics
garlic pills
diatomaceous earth
enzymes for digestion
and enzymes for protein digestions on an empty stomach

I don't know what else to do. Anyone else fought off protozoan parasites?
I am also breastfeeding my 6month old.
Thank you!

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Wormwood. I remember having parasites and wormwood tastes nasty but worked.

here is a site with a mix they feel takes care of all the different stages of parasites. http://curezone.com/diseases/parasites/herbalcure1.html

http://www.the-natural-path.com/parasite-cleanse.html Same ingredients, maybe easier to read for some.

Wormwood and pregnancy is definitely a no-no- Wormwood and breastfeeding has different viewpoints. Do your own research on this to make up your mind about it.

At 6 months old, I'd say it's probably safer for baby than when baby was younger due to liver being able to process things now.
Could you share more information about what symptoms or issues led you to discover the protozoan parasites? What issues are continuing, how do you know it isn't resolved?

Any other antibiotic, steroid issues issues? What health issues are you experiencing? Travel, vaccines, dietary changes, other major illnesses, Chrons? IBS? C. Diff?

the history and progression seems relevant, if you could help me with more details, please.

Thanks, Pat
Hi Yvonne and Pat, Thank you for writing.
Yvonne what kind of parasites did you get rid of with wormwood?
The short history of all this is:
I was completely healthy and strong before this happened. We had heavy rains here and it seems that our well water got contaminated. I was about 6 months pregnant when this happened. We had our well water tested and found out that it had low levels of arsenic in it plus chollyform, which is an indicator of contamination. This is where we suspect that we got the parasites from. I developed very sever diarrhea and the only relief I finally got from it was an enema with garlic in it. I had tried many things before this. From there things improved slightly but I have had symptoms in varying degrees throughout these 8 months. My son developed this a month after me. We finally got a Metametrix test done and my 2.5 year olds came back as having a parasite of unknown taxonomy non-human origin. My tests cam back with H. pylauri, a parasite called limax nanna (something like that) and then also another parasite of unknown taxonomy non-human origin. My sons SigA was good at the time but mine was definately compromised.
Since then we have done a lot to clear this up but it doesn't seem to help. The Diatomeceous earth is giving me some help but not my son, I have had a good feeling about the MSM but haven't been taking it long enough to tell.
We don't take any pharmaceutical drugs and my son never has. We know its not resolveds because my son has very loose stool and I have crazy rumblings in my tummy, feel sick a lot/nautious, before Diatomecesous earth floating stools and very soft, sorry to be so graphic, only way I can explain. No illnesses or traveling, non of the others. Pretty much popped out of knowhere and I am 100% sure that my SigA is/was low because of this parasite infection.
Though I am getting relief from diatomaceous earth I feel that if I stopped it my symptoms would be back the same. I think the shell flour is working as a binding agent.
Thanks for the feedback.

Pat Robinson said:
Could you share more information about what symptoms or issues led you to discover the protozoan parasites? What issues are continuing, how do you know it isn't resolved?

Any other antibiotic, steroid issues issues? What health issues are you experiencing? Travel, vaccines, dietary changes, other major illnesses, Chrons? IBS? C. Diff?

the history and progression seems relevant, if you could help me with more details, please.

Thanks, Pat
I should add that I also have our mother-in-law on anti-parasite regimens and our 8 year old. They all have had varying degrees of the same symptoms. I was hardest hit and then now my son is and he is unfortunately getting worse and not better.

I am tracking this subject/ailment as well.

Would love an update!

:)  B.

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