~ Food Has Power ~
Hi folks,
I`m new here, and no time for detailed health history at the moment, but I'll get back to that. But a question: I have 4 amalgam fillings at the moment, 3 were safely removed by a holisticébiologic dentist about 2 months ago. Some gut issues- gluten intolerance. On Thursday I was in my local health food store, and found some kombucha. Had heard it was a great probiotic and I was thirsty, having left my water at home, so I bought it. Drank about half, then put the remainder in the fridge when I got home. Friday afternoon/evening I started to feel ill- the gross burps and stomach gurgles that generally precede vomiting. Went to bed early, very restless sleep, aching back (though I'd lifted a lot on Friday, so that bit could have just been from lifting improperly). Saturday could hardly get out of bed, as I'm a real wimp when it comes to nausea, and even sitting up made me feel like I was about to vomit- also a complete lack of energy- sitting up was honestly exhausting. stayed in bed all day, willing myself not to vomit, though i'm sure i'd have felt a bit better if i'd been able to. late afternoon started with diarhhea, by evening it was explosive and severe. went to bed, and woke up sunday feeling tired and a bit dehydrated but otherwise OK. i though it was maybe some viral stomach bug. i drank the rest of the kombucha, figuring some good probiotics would be good. last night the gross burps started, and this morning i'm feeling ill again- not so naseous as i was on saturday, but gross burps, a lot of gas and insane gut rumbling.
wondering if this is some sort of stomach bug, or if this could be related to the kombucha, which i'm now reading is a no-no if you still have amalgam fillings.
this morning i took a few probiotic capsules and some chorella because i couldn't think of what else to do? i worry that i've just killed off a bunch of candida and have released a ton of mercury. any ideas, tips, advice?
i'll get to posting my health history and introduce myself properly later today.
thanks all.
Maybe. But, apparently we dump a bunch of stored mercury about 3 months (and again about 12 months) after amalgam removal. Could be coincidence, but the diarrhea is not uncommon with a big dose of S.boulardii if you have candida.
I did the same thing --- and learned from it. I only sip kombucha now.
The two things I didn't notice in your narrative which might point to dumping toxins are severe headache and insomnia. Those seem to come along with the mercury dump, ime.
Epsom salt bath, magnesium, B12, vit C, lactobacillus, Omega 3, vit D (sunshine), selenium could help with GI or toxins. If I felt really bad, I might try a salt water flush or tiny bit of clay or activated charcoal.
Hope you feel better quickly!
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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