Hi everyone, my name is Laura, I am 24, I am starting my 5th month of my second pregnancy, and I have a 2.5 year old son. I was hoping to post a kind of concise personal history and eagerly accept your take on things ; ).

I struggle with Candida something fierce. I had migraines, bouts of taccacardia, repeat UTI's-always with normal paps, seasonal indoor/outdoor allergies, tested positive for a ton of food allergies even though I could never trace back my symptoms to those specific foods and had observable reactions to others that I tested negative for, frequent illnesses, etc. growing up and no one could ever connect any of the symptoms. After slews of tests I was diagnosed with hypersensitivity. I basically gave up asking questions. Until I had my son.

When we started our nursing relationship I had terrible cracks that opened up into large scabs on my nipples from nursing him, felt awful, and eventually realized I had thrush. This led to the beginning of all of my research which gave me the following conclusions about myself.

Migraines, fatigue, mood swings, oral, vaginal, nipple thrush/yeast, IBS like symptoms, brain fog, itchy skin, nail fungus that comes and goes, food sensitivities, asthma, allergies, seemingly weak immune system-get sick easily/often.

Likely Predisposing Factors:
C-section born, formula fed, lived in house with smokers, frequent courses of broad spectrum anitbiotics when I was growing up, started birth control pills as a teenager and continued for three years, and the pregnancy, birth, nursing hormonal cycle.

What I have learned about me so far:
Dairy is my biggest culprit except for butter in my cooking that doesn't seem to bother me, gluten makes me feel hazy and lethargic, I also feel really crappy-upset stomach, itchy, etc-if I eat soy, caffeine, certain shell fish, or a heavy amount of beef. It just feels like they can't be processed by my system so everything becomes out of whack. My biggest trigger for increased candida symptoms is my hormones. Right before my period it always flares up. Pregnancy makes me way more sensitive to flare ups as well and the extreme hormonal adjustments following childbirth and involved in the establishment of a milk supply make things totally nuts. All my usual symptoms to the tenth power.
I also noticed that I am sort of hyper sensitive to certain things. I cannot shower with heavily fragranced soaps- I do best with olive oil soaps that have dead sea mud in them, have to wear cotton bras only, and do best with white cotton underwear that I can bleach between uses.

My biggest concern is the baby being born and us traveling down the same road as my son and I did. He was a baby with a lot of upset stomach, gas, thrush, and sicknesses that seemed to mutate for him when he caught even the smallest cold from a play buddy. His saliva became so acidic in his mouth from the yeast that it caused severe tooth decay and he had to under go serious dental work under general including four extractions and four baby root canals. Breastfeeding should have given him the best start possible, but there was so much that I didn't/don't understand about my health problems and how they relate to him.

I have read so much and tried so many things and there just seems to be major gaps in my understanding. Any help will be greatly, greatly appreciated. TIA.

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Welcome Laura!

The women here are SOOOO very knowledgeable--I bet you'll find this resource helpful!

My own story is here: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/healing-leaky-gut-with-food
and has some amazing recommendations that were very helpful for me...

Sorry I have no real advice--just wanted to say hello, and hang in there mama!!!


Lauren :)
Thanks! I will be visiting that link for sure.

Lauren said:
Welcome Laura!

The women here are SOOOO very knowledgeable--I bet you'll find this resource helpful!

My own story is here: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/healing-leaky-gut-with-food
and has some amazing recommendations that were very helpful for me...

Sorry I have no real advice--just wanted to say hello, and hang in there mama!!!


Lauren :)
I would strongly recommend seeing a classical homeopath. And start water kefir, maybe coconut water kefir, for the significant probiotic benefits. That will help strengthen the microbial balance in your guts, which is 70-80% of our immune system.

Yeast is an outward manifestation of an impaired immune system. Try yogurt vaginally. And add magnesium, vit C, zinc to your diet. Stop sugar and the foods that are most highly allergenic: dairy, soy, wheat/gluten, corn for 6+ weeks.

Do you have/had any mercury fillings in your teeth?

What probiotics have you been taking so far, how long?

What supplements do you take, describe your diet?

Are you keeping a food journal? It sounds like there are more foods which YOU are reacting to, perhaps. Generally, it is the mama's leaky gut which baby has difficulty with. I always recommend whole food probiotics.

Are you doing any Bubbies sauerkraut or water kefir, fermented vegetables, coconut yogurt? Cabbage products help with stomach acid which helps improved bio-availability of nutrients which help to open detox pathways.

The gut is 70-80% of the immune system. It all starts with nutrient-dense foods, effective digestion (with adequate stomach acid), absorption of nutrients (in the gut with balanced microbials), and detoxification of the chemical byproducts of foods and environmental toxins by the liver, with adequate bio-available nutrients to support the detox pathways.

I would do whole food probiotics, cod liver oil, magnesium, vit. C, zinc, coconut oil, bone broths, green juices. Support the immune system. You want to start slowly with probiotics, imo.

Gut healing: Where to start? Help 101 http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1096747

1. Epsom salt baths.

2. Bone broth.

3. Green juices or liver.

4. Water kefir.

This is my "Cliffs Notes" version for healthy guts. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/help-for-my-husbands-health?page=1&commentId=2814160%3AComment%3A3688&x=1#2814160Comment3688

Lauren's thread above has a lot of info for a nursing/pregnant mama with candida and heavy metal concerns. Here is another about yeast killing for mama and child: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1097922&h...

This thread is a 1, 2, 3 what to do when you are overwhelmed. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14210544&...

HTH, Pat
No Mercury Fillings. Right now I only take a whole foods based prenatal multi because I haven't really known what is safe for pregnancy. I eat coconut yogurt regularly. I totally agree about ME being the one who is reacting to the foods and only learned about that recently through your responses on MDC. It clicked and made so much sense that undigested proteins were crossing the milk and creating the problems my son was dealing with. I don't eat soy anymore at all, corn is very, very limited-but I have never seen a reaction the way I have with dairy, soy, caffeine, etc. Wheat is kept to a minimum and switching recently to Spelt flour has been very helpful. No more groggy after effects. Dairy is a big problem. I have had a lot of morning sickness as in my first pregnancy so when I crave something it is really hard for me to resist it since it actually sounds really good. And, you guessed it, sometimes I just really want some cheese. I use almond milk for cereal or cooking, we don't ever use cream or anything like that but I do cook with some butter and slip most often with cheese.

For the probiotics, I haven't known where to begin. I have tried acidophilus with little to report. I was taking garlic for a while and that seemed to be more helpful at warding off illness, but the candida stayed. I started to feel like I was spending a lot of money on little results and sort of gave up. And now being pregnant, while I feel its more urgent than ever to get my health in check, I also feel very uncertain about how to do it safely. I haven't wanted to trigger any die off because when I had diflucan a few months back the symptoms were SO bad and I can't imagine releasing so many toxins freely into my system during pregnancy.

I eat a lot of chicken and fish/shrimp, not very much beef but some. We don't eat white carbs and I have tried to really limit my carb intake. I won't eat more than (spelt and flaxseed) waffles in the morning and brown rice later in the day. I have been struggling pretty badly with sugar cravings and dairy lately and I am ashamed to admit that I have given in way too often knowing its a mistake. Sometimes its cheese, more often it has been that I really want chicken cesar salads. I make a lot of bean soups with chicken stock-usually organic although not homemade. I try to only drink water with or without fresh lemon juice, herbal teas (local honey), or cranberry juice. No soda or anything. I don't drink alcohol, but sometimes cook with it. I eat veggies at the very least with dinner and not very much fruit, maybe one serving a day. I have tried to focus more on eating enough veggies. I have egg white protein shakes that I like sometimes and I'll eat eggs sometimes, although lately I seem to be forming an aversion to them.

"I would do whole food probiotics, cod liver oil, magnesium, vit. C, zinc, coconut oil, bone broths, green juices. Support the immune system. You want to start slowly with probiotics, imo" What amounts of these things should I do? How would taking those things interact with standard prenatals?

I am going to check out the links that you shared now and will likely return with many more questions. Do you have any suggestions on how to find a classical homeopath? I tried going to a naturepath but she aired very much on the side of chinese medicine and was recommending intense herbal therapies that I read up on before taking that were contraindicated for nursing. She disagreed. But it is very difficult to qualify those kind of prescriptive measures when I am very intentionally seeking out "alternative" medicine. Any advice there on choosing the right person and making respsonsible choices in pregnancy as I heal this craziness?

Pat Robinson said:
I would strongly recommend seeing a classical homeopath. And start water kefir, maybe coconut water kefir, for the significant probiotic benefits. That will help strengthen the microbial balance in your guts, which is 70-80% of our immune system.

Yeast is an outward manifestation of an impaired immune system. Try yogurt vaginally. And add magnesium, vit C, zinc to your diet. Stop sugar and the foods that are most highly allergenic: dairy, soy, wheat/gluten, corn for 6+ weeks.

Do you have/had any mercury fillings in your teeth?

What probiotics have you been taking so far, how long?

What supplements do you take, describe your diet?

Are you keeping a food journal? It sounds like there are more foods which YOU are reacting to, perhaps. Generally, it is the mama's leaky gut which baby has difficulty with. I always recommend whole food probiotics.

Are you doing any Bubbies sauerkraut or water kefir, fermented vegetables, coconut yogurt? Cabbage products help with stomach acid which helps improved bio-availability of nutrients which help to open detox pathways.

The gut is 70-80% of the immune system. It all starts with nutrient-dense foods, effective digestion (with adequate stomach acid), absorption of nutrients (in the gut with balanced microbials), and detoxification of the chemical byproducts of foods and environmental toxins by the liver, with adequate bio-available nutrients to support the detox pathways.

I would do whole food probiotics, cod liver oil, magnesium, vit. C, zinc, coconut oil, bone broths, green juices. Support the immune system. You want to start slowly with probiotics, imo.

Gut healing: Where to start? Help 101 http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1096747

1. Epsom salt baths.

2. Bone broth.

3. Green juices or liver.

4. Water kefir.

This is my "Cliffs Notes" version for healthy guts. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/help-for-my-husbands-health?page=1&commentId=2814160%3AComment%3A3688&x=1#2814160Comment3688

Lauren's thread above has a lot of info for a nursing/pregnant mama with candida and heavy metal concerns. Here is another about yeast killing for mama and child: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1097922&h...

This thread is a 1, 2, 3 what to do when you are overwhelmed. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=14210544&...

HTH, Pat
I forgot to mention that I have the white composite fillings, x4, and ds has stainless steel crowns from his dental work. He has not received any vaccines or antibtioics since birth and I haven't taken anything like that in the last five years or so. I also had a repeat allergy test done-they did the skin test- and have that sheet available if it would be helpful. I feel like it has been useless for me because so many of the things it lists as big deal allergies are things that I don't have any detectable symptoms when I eat and then things like dairy that are a serious and obvious problem came out negative. Also, I recently was screened for parasites, celiac disease, and the routine panel that specialists check for and all was negative. She suspects IBS, of course, but that was it.
Here is a list of acute homeopathics for morning sickness. But, they could "interfere" with your "symptoms", if you are looking to get a constitutional remedy. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=12457990&...

Cheese has 10x casein as milk.

This thread has info about probiotics, where to start. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=14210544&po... I would NOT do diflucan while pregnant. Too much die-off, yes.

There are natural antimicrobials you could include in your diet. And natural antiparasitics and natural antibacterials, such as garlic, black walnut hulls, wormwood, clove, raw pumpkin seeds, fennel, thyme, sage, goldenseal, oregano, water, salt, essential oils: cinnamon, lemongrass, thyme, peppermint, lavender, coriander; olive leaf extracts, vit C, onion, allspice, tarragon, cumin; capsicums, including chilies and other hot peppers; black and white pepper, ginger, anise seed, celery seed, and the juices of lemons and limes; cranberries, myrrh, turmeric, echinacea, licorice root, Pau d'arco, rosemary, basil, mint, anise, dandelion, honey, probiotics, etc. are ubiquitous. (not all are ok while pregnant! Read and be cautious.)

This is my "Cliffs Notes" version for health guts.

Lemon in water. Bone broth. Epsom salt baths. Then Green juices or broccoli or liver. Then..

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients.

homemade bone broth every. single. day. 1 cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
homemade kefir every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up, start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)

homemade kombucha every. single. day. (start with a teaspoon, increase by 1 teaspoon a month, if no mercury fillings.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut)
green smoothie every. single. day. day 2 cups (any juice plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
liver one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)

coconut oil 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
fermented CLO, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs) (per bottle, 1/4 tsp, I believe)
Bubbies sauerkraut 1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
Brazil nuts 2 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium)
Epsom salts a pinch in water, all day long. (magnesium sulfate)
Celtic Sea Salt a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph, paradoxically)
Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
Egg yolk, 1 per day. (if not IgE) (nutrients help to detox)
Vit C, 1000mg, two times a day. (helps to detox)

I'd order fermented CLO for you and ds. I ordered fermented CLO (plain flavor) from here: http://www.building-health.com/ It is much cheaper than on the Green Pastures site. And when you buy 2 bottles, you save another $6. So, it was $36.90 vs. $49 (at Green Pastures), and shipping was FREE!

I would add bifidum probiotics for each of you. Kirkmans makes a hypoallergenic bifidum for infants. Here's a link to the Kirkman Labs hypoallergenic probiotic. http://www.kirkmanlabs.com/ViewProductDetails@Product_ID@186@Produc...

There is Natural Calm for Mamas. http://www.ihealthtree.com/natural-calm-mama-calm-8-oz-peter-gillha...

I'd avoid the allergens to which you tested positive. I didn't realize how much I reacted to gluten, until I removed it for a long duration. Then occasional exposures are noticeable.

For a classical homeopath. I'd ask in FYT at MDC. Ours does phone consultations. But, in person is best. We are in Charlotte, NC.

HTH, Pat
So I have been doing more and more research these days. Finding this board has been awesome. I have not found any other place so far that collects so much information and support in one place. But I am seriously struggling.

I know some of the things that I should be doing to get better, but I just can't seem to implement the life style changes that I know I need to make and there are still so many quesitons that I have. So, for those of you who have been there done that, how do you overcome the habits and perspectives that you were raised on to adopt new, healthier ones in a lasting way? I grew up on the standard american diet of hamburger helper, kool-aid, sodas, candy, canned veggies if any at all, so for me making the switch to no refined sugar, no white carbs, no pork, little to no beef, as much organic as possible seemed huge. But with all of the sensitivities that I have and what I read that I *should* be doing I feel like a total failure. I get so overwhelmed but how much I am doing wrong and how much I should change that shamefully, for a while now I have just stopped trying.

How can I get a handle on this?
Just add one new idea each week. Start with something easy like Bubbies sauerkraut. Take 1 tablespoon a day.

Next week after that, start taking an Epsom salt bath every day, as often as possible.

Next week, order some fermented CLO. Take 1/4 teaspoon a day.

Next week after that, order/find some REAL water kefir grains.

Next week after that, start making/taking 1 tablespoon of water kefir a day.

Next week after that, buy some organic, baby spinach and frozen fruit.

Next week after that, start making a smoothie each day with the spinach and fruit.

Next week after that, find and buy organic or natural, whole chicken. Roast it and save the bones in the freezer.

Next week after that, make some bone broth.

Next week after that...

one step at a time.

I do pretty well implementing extras, like new supplements, new veggies to try, that sort of thing. I have been drinking green smoothies and that is no big deal for me. What I can't seem to get a handle on is letting go of the bad habits that I have, especially dairy which is my absolute biggest trigger. I don't know why. Sometimes it is just a feeling of being overwhelmed and feeling like I have already put so much in my system that it will take a long time for all of the proteins to clear out finally so basically I'm screwed. Sometimes it is peer pressure in the house because my husband brings ice cream, cheese, etc. into the house. Anything I can find a direct substitute for I do well with. I haven't drank milk in a couple of years now since I switched to almond milk for example. But I don't have anything I can smoothly substitute cheese for and because my symptoms are on such a delay with dairy, in the moment the way cheese balances out my blood sugar being pregnant feels like a good thing, but then I wake up the next day with allergy shiners, flaking nipples, serious congestion,e tc. I feel like if I could actually go a full month without eating any dairy, chocolate, or caffeine that I would be well on my way to serious improvement. I just keep failing. Pre pregnancy I was doing MUCH better with these things, but I crave the things I shouldn't eat very often and I get so tired of the battle that I just give in. And my body gives me such confusing feedback, like when I get a really bad migraine drinking a cup of coffee/hot chocolate really helps but then my stomach doesn't feel good the next day. Its like there is just no winning or something.

I am interested in taking something to help my digestion because I think that would be all around helpful. I have taken digestive enzymes before and they helped some but didn't seem to be exactly what I needed and since I am prego I haven't explored that much more, but I probably should.
First, I don't believe one can live without CHOCOLATE!! lol

Second, see if you can find Purely Decadent coconut milk chocolate ice cream. It is divine and dairy-free, abet about $5.50 a pint. I don't have it every day. But, know I can. Also, Godiva makes a 60% dark chocolate chip which is dairy-free. And I eat those at will. :-) And find some raw cacao, add it to your almond milk and it is yummy.

For cheese, we use raw goat's milk cheese. But, only about once a week, if that often. What are you making with cheese, or is it a snack for protein? I ate hard boiled eggs. Made a batch and kept them peeled for quick snacking. Almond butter on a spoon is another option for a quick fix. I make up a portable bag of nuts, dried fruits, berries, coconut flakes and carry it everywhere for snacking. I make the smoothie in the afternoon for a "sweet" treat.

And I'd focus on opening/supporting detox pathways with the Epsom salt baths, magnesium, zinc, vit C, food folate.

Which foods are most difficult to avoid, cravings? Maybe we could help with alternative suggestions. I made black bean brownies (for breakfast) and they are lovely and grain and dairy free.

I have found that coconut milk ice cream and it rocks my world! lol. I eat their yogurt too. It has been a great alternative to dh's treats for myself and my son which has been great. I should try some of the black bean brownies! I could get some all natural chocolate or cocoa from my local health store for that and brownies definitely get the job done when a girl needs some chocolate. : )

Ah, the cheese. Pre-pregnancy I would cheat a couple of times a month with some really fancy parmesan on my spaghetti and then maybe in an omlette or two with what I would have left from dinner. More rarely than that I would go all out on a slice of cheese cake. Now, I seem to want it in everything. Usually what happens is I am really hungry and really indecisive-typical pregnant behavior for me-and I think of the "perfect thing" and realize oh, wait that has dairy I can't do that and get bummed out or cheat. This is things like chicken, olive, spinach, salsa, and cheese nachos. I use organic spinach, olives, and fresh salsa and put it on healthy chips but I don't know how to do that without the cheese. Or i think of a frittata idea or chicken cesar salads or a snack plate with crackers, fruit, and sliced cheddar, or the one that seems to kill me is cream cheese on a bagel. I grew up eating tons of dairy from the perspective that it is good for you and while mentally I know better my taste buds haven't gotten the message
You are making my mouth water. LOL

Hmmm... maybe create some new yummy snacks with other ingredients that you can have more frequently, easily. Crunchy gluten-free crackers (available at Costco) and (Costco) guacamole are lovely with/without salsa. Gazpacho is another spicy, zesty treat and refreshing.

Do you have substitute grains which you can work with, like sprouted grains or buckwheat or almond or coconut flour, what about smoked salmon or crabcakes or something savory for a quick mouthful of gourmet?

I keep some (nitrate and nitrite, all natural) bacon and avocado available for topping salads; and make egg salad or chicken salad to add on top of mixed greens for a 'topping' without cheese. Sundried tomatoes, cheese-free pesto, hummus, refried beans are other yummy quick additions to gluten-free snack crackers and "bread".

Sue Gregg has blender batter recipes for making pretzels, donuts, pizza, cakes, breads, muffins without gluten. http://www.suegregg.com/recipes/breakfasts/blenderbatterwaffles/ble... These can have dips or glazes of spices or sauces for variety and fun!

I find it much easier to ADD new ideas than to try to substitute old standbys. But, consider if you want cold, crunchy, creamy, salty, zesty, spicy, tangy, sour, sweet, chocolaty, etc. There are many alternatives available. Check out Kathy's Recipe Box. She made Twinkies without eggs, dairy, gluten, etc. LOL


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