Hey y'all! I'm new around here and trying to get my life on track healthwise. So, I've done some reading here and thought an introduction would help. I hope I've posted in the correct place. Feel free to move this if a better category fits.

So where to start?

I'll be 32 in just a few short months. I got married in November. I have no babies yet. We'd like to start trying in a few months and I've got to get my body figured out in order to have that happen.

I have multiple food, chemical, and mold allergies (IgE). I am working with an allergist and taking sublingual antigen drops. The foods: Corn, Wheat, Yeast. The chemicals: formaldehyde, ethanol. The molds: Yes. All of them. :D
I believe I am developing an egg or potato allergy as I am having some of the same symptoms (vomitting) after eatting these foods as I did with corn. Corn is the only food I try to actively avoid. I don't do corn, corn syrup, corn oil.

I have 2 composite and 2 amalgam fillings. The recent ones are composite. They are all very small (no numbing) and were in molars which are deeply pitted.

I have an underactive thyroid for which I take synthyroid. I was diagnosed at age 18. My post-period BBT ranges between 95.9 and 96.6.

I have polycystic ovary disease which was dx when I was 24 but the cystic ovaries were dx when I was 18 and not menstruating. Sigh. I started on Vitex in December and have had cycles since then...yeah!...I went from 186 day cycle (last 2 weeks on Vitex), to 38 days, to 35 this past month. I'm on CD 4 of this cycle. I'm also on Metformin XR and have been for years.

I had been infection free for 7 years or so (good thing due to the severe antibiotic allergies!) until May 2008 when I got pnuemonia (took avelox and a ton of antihistamine and a trip to the ER). In August I got cellulitis (took zyvox and a ton of antihistamine) In September I had a sinus infection. In November I had a UTI requiring ER visit, doctor visit, and urgent care facility visit (bactrim and a ton of antihistamine). In January I had a sinus infection. In February I had a sinus infection. I have missed 5 weeks of work since the New Year.

I rinse my nose with a netti pot and wash my hands regularly. I don't use antibacterial stuff.

I've gained 25 pounds in the last year. I vomit about 2-4 times a month sometimes immediately after eatting sometimes 2-3 hours later. This is a big decrease from last July-September when it was multiple times a day. Then the corn allergy was Dx and treatment for that began. The vomiting causes petechia on my face so I look beaten and grotesque.

We eat only organic, non-hormone or antibiotic added meat and poultry. I drink skim, organic milk. Usually ultra pasturized but when I can find it just regular pasturized. I make milk kefir and yogurt. We make our own bread using the NYT recipe and as soon as I use up my bread flour we are going to switch to sprouted grains. We eat a mix of mainstream and organic produce. I eat minimal processed foods. Off the top of my head the only processed foods I eat would be foods eaten at restaurants. I don't eat at fast food establishments.

I would like to have more energy, less vomitting, and regular periods.

My GP told me in January that there was nothing he could do for me. My endocrinologist told me a week ago that my thyroid THS at 1.6 meant I was fine and there was no correlation between my BBT and thyroid. My allergist recommended I take a subdermal flu shot to stimulate my immune system but that other than that there was nothing he could do for me as my sublingual dose was fine.

Sigh. I know I'm not healthy. I know I'm the exception to the practice of medicine. I am here to heal myself! I'm trying not to drown in all this information.

Please help! :D

Thank you!

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Gosh, you must feel like you are in a pressure cooker with the "biological clock" thing. {{{hugs}}}

:::SIGH::: It doesn't sound like your body is ready to nourish a fetus at the moment. When we were ttc, at 38...I felt the clock ticking every. minute. of. the. day. But, I also trusted that "Science" wasn't All Knowing and that if "Mother Nature" couldn't create a baby, it wasn't meant to be, in this moment. So, I just focused on *this moment* and nourishing myself. I became the healthiest I knew how to be and *released* my stress (a little bit) about Getting Pregnant Now. That is when I became pregnant!!

Of course, through this journey of pregnancy and birthing, I have learned of the myriad of health risks that my body has and thus my child was exposed to. We are now dealing with *both* of us having health issues. And I can tell you, it is easier to fix mama first. There is little that is as hard as knowing your body caused your child distress.

However, NOTHING is more valuable to me than the journey to being exactly where we are today. But, I trust that we are ALWAYS exactly where we need to be.

I do believe that our emotional space impacts our health and that our physical health is inseparable from our spiritual health. From a physical pov, thyroid issues generally seem to develop along with adrenal fatigue. I'm curious if you have had a stressful life, job, family, childhood situations. You don't need to answer, but those impact our physical health. A baby doesn't heal any of them directly. But, it does focus our energy elsewhere, I've found. And I do believe our children help us to heal. Although, we dump a lot of our baggage, figuratively and physically, onto them.

Healing and health are ongoing processes. So, the antibiotic use is a message of an impaired immune system. Which hints at digestion, absorption and detox issues. The allergies, more so. Personally, my number one recommendation would be to see a classical homeopath first, second and third.

And concurrently, there are many alternatives that you could implement toward healing and health. Hormonal balance comes when our cortisol and stress are addressed, ime. Stress comes from our belief systems. Have you read Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life"? http://www.amazon.com/You-Heal-Your-Life-Gift/dp/1561706280 Another life changing book is "Happiness Is A Choice". http://www.amazon.com/Happiness-Choice-Barry-Neil-Kaufman/dp/044990... And "Peace is Every Step". http://www.amazon.com/Peace-Every-Step-Mindfulness-Everyday/dp/0553...

You were not expecting 'self-help' books. :-) I found these were most influential in my healing. I hope they will help you also.

From a purely concrete perspective, I'd focus on digestion, absorption, detox. The first involves avoiding foods which are most difficult to digest. I'd eliminate all diary, wheat, gluten, corn, soy. It is not too hard. I did it for two years while nursing a new baby. Many of us have. Identifying which foods are most troubling can only effectively occur as they are eliminated and we improve our nutrient absorption. Overtaxing the gut just creates a cascade of other immune system disorders. Suppression with antihistamines leads to asthma and more allergies. Dairy and corn are hidden EVERYWHERE.

Here is a link about hidden dairy: http://www.kellymom.com/store/handouts/concerns/hidden-dairy.pdf

Here is a link about hidden corn: http://www.cornallergens.com/list/corn-allergen-list.php

Soy is everywhere. Wheat is the easiest to eliminate. Gluten harder. But, again, most of us have btdt, along with taking care of a newborn who doesn't sleep through the night, and is crying with horrible painful gas, has weeping eczema and green, bloody poop. (some have multiple siblings to care for also), and jobs on top of that!) So, do it. It is fairly easy without a baby, imo.

If you think baby won't necessarily have those issues, I wouldn't take that bet. Baby reacts to undigested proteins in breastmilk. The proteins are undigested due to the mamas' poor digestion health. Fix it now, tons easier!! When you look at those links, you'll think "Impossible". Nope, btdt, with the baby in arms, and with sleep deprivation. But, I can also tell you, it is MUCH harder to keep nourished yourself. And your nourishment NOW impacts baby's fetal development and the quality of your milk. Think that formula is an option? All of them have corn, soy, dairy...

Frankly, I don't believe that pasteurized dairy, in any form is meant for human consumption. Even organic, grass fed dairy. Pasteurizing kills enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics inherent in the milk. Cultured dairy is what we are evolved to (maybe) be able to digest. Same with processed grains. Nope. Historically, we had soaked and sprouted grains, seeds, nuts. Those are *predigested* by the naturally occurring enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics. Our food supply and our soils are depleted of nutrients. Same with vegetables, fats, meats. Now, folks have been having babies for 50 years eating these foods. Yes. But, look where we are with auto-immune disorders: http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/C20.html#C20.673.480.040 Maybe, I'm 'preaching to the choir'.

So, I'd focus on improving your stomach acid with lemon in your water first thing in the morning. I'd focus on digestion with live foods, those with enzymes and prebiotics and probiotics: non-dairy yogurt, non-dairy kefir, non-dairy "cheeze", fermented vegetables at every meal, homemade bone broths every day. Buy whole locally grown, organic foods, including grass-fed organ meats, fats and eggs, and homemade bone broths, fermented vegetables and cultured dairy, soaked or sprouted grains, seeds and nuts.

Oh, and Epsom salt baths are REALLY important to liver (and brain and immune system) health, also. Historically, we had mineral springs for our water supply and bathing.

Oh, and raw, unheated, local honey!! Here is my 'short cut to health': http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?p=13207901&...

Include foods which help with gut healing. I'd work at adding the top 10 'gut healing' supplements to maximize health. CLO, CO, magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, D, E, selenium, bone broths, whole food probiotics: (non-dairy) yogurt, kefir, kombucha, fermented vegetables.

Have you read the "Healing the Gut-cheat sheet": http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=434071 I'd start there.

Here are foods to help Phase I and Phase II Liver Detox: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/nutrient-dense-foods?page=2&commentId=2814160%3AComment%3A655&x=1#2814160Comment655

And here is a list of nutrient dense foods to read about and to include: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/nutrient-dense-foods?x=1&id=2814160%3ATopic%3A404&page=1#comments

There are MANY alternatives to healing and health!

Check out the Thyroid Thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=493320

And the Adrenal Fatigue Thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=685848

My (limited) understanding is that the blood test for thyroid function is not as accurate for *bio-available* levels of thyroid function. See this old post of mine with more info: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=11781897&po...

The recommendation is to have *saliva* testing done for progesterone estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, AND thyroid.

The hormones are interconnected. Basically, the thyroid, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and cortisol levels all need to be evaluated as they change over the course of day. Additionally, thyroid antibodies, and Free T3 and Free T4 are relevant variables.

Please check out the adrenal and thyroid threads above about taking a medication with side effects. Identify and address the underlying issues.

Also, evening primrose and magnesium help with hormonal balance. Gut health is important to nutrient absorption which impacts hormone production.

Btw, heavy salt use points to adrenal fatigue, also. If this is relevant for you. It is all interconnected.

Also, many of these levels are changed transiently with pregnancy and nursing.

Here is a bunch more about testing, mistakes people make, nutrition and thyroid, iodine, etc. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=12957479&po...

Hope that helps to get you started on your journey of healing and health.

Pat- Thank you for the wealth of responses! I am in total agreement that unless I am healthy and in balance I have no business trying to bring a life into this world. I am also very aware of the likelihood that anyone with my DNA is at risk for allergies and hormonal issues--to the extent that we have discussed adoption so that I don't pass on my poor genes.

Do you know how I could find a homeopath in Tennessee? I have had no luck! I have inquired at my herb store and whole foods.

I like the book recommendations and have read 2 of the 3... :D

I have eliminated soy from my diet due to the estrogenic effects. I will start adding lemon to my drinking water. I've also recently upped my pickle/sauerkraut intake.

My allergist has recommended *against* eliminating allergens completely from my diet since we are attempting to desensitize me to the allergens via light ingestion and antigen therapy. My gluten blood work came back normal and I have none of the celiac symptoms. Can gluten intolerance be masked? After daily antihistamine use for almost 30 years, I have been off of all antihistamines since I began antigen therapy in 2007--thank goodness!

Where would I find non-soy based, dairy-free yogurts and kefir? I'm not familiar with these. Oh, I guess I know about water kefir, I just haven't seen it anywhere or ever had it--only heard of it.

I have grown my own scoby and can't wait to try it out making kombucha! I have started with an ounce a day. Any suggestions on titrating this up? I have been nervous that I may be allergic because of possible mold? Is this even a cause for concern?

I'm going to go study the threads you attached. I can't wait to learn more!

Thank you so much! :D

You've got some great leads from Pat.

Keeping it simple, here's where I'd start:

I'd see if you can look into Armour and iodine for your thyroid - www.iodine4health.com, the iodine yahoo group, and Dr. Brownstein's book on iodine are all great sources of info.

check out www.eatingcultures.com to try and guess on some of your detox pathways, and figure out which nutrients will be important for you.

And with PCOS, I bet Pat's right about the adrenals - do you have keratosis pilaris (bumps on the backs of your arms/thighs), strong nails or acne? If so, pantothenic acid (B5) might be really helpful. How is your cholesterol?

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