Hey y'all! I'm new around here and trying to get my life on track healthwise. So, I've done some reading here and thought an introduction would help. I hope I've posted in the correct place. Feel free to move this if a better category fits.
So where to start?
I'll be 32 in just a few short months. I got married in November. I have no babies yet. We'd like to start trying in a few months and I've got to get my body figured out in order to have that happen.
I have multiple food, chemical, and mold allergies (IgE). I am working with an allergist and taking sublingual antigen drops. The foods: Corn, Wheat, Yeast. The chemicals: formaldehyde, ethanol. The molds: Yes. All of them. :D
I believe I am developing an egg or potato allergy as I am having some of the same symptoms (vomitting) after eatting these foods as I did with corn. Corn is the only food I try to actively avoid. I don't do corn, corn syrup, corn oil.
I have 2 composite and 2 amalgam fillings. The recent ones are composite. They are all very small (no numbing) and were in molars which are deeply pitted.
I have an underactive thyroid for which I take synthyroid. I was diagnosed at age 18. My post-period BBT ranges between 95.9 and 96.6.
I have polycystic ovary disease which was dx when I was 24 but the cystic ovaries were dx when I was 18 and not menstruating. Sigh. I started on Vitex in December and have had cycles since then...yeah!...I went from 186 day cycle (last 2 weeks on Vitex), to 38 days, to 35 this past month. I'm on CD 4 of this cycle. I'm also on Metformin XR and have been for years.
I had been infection free for 7 years or so (good thing due to the severe antibiotic allergies!) until May 2008 when I got pnuemonia (took avelox and a ton of antihistamine and a trip to the ER). In August I got cellulitis (took zyvox and a ton of antihistamine) In September I had a sinus infection. In November I had a UTI requiring ER visit, doctor visit, and urgent care facility visit (bactrim and a ton of antihistamine). In January I had a sinus infection. In February I had a sinus infection. I have missed 5 weeks of work since the New Year.
I rinse my nose with a netti pot and wash my hands regularly. I don't use antibacterial stuff.
I've gained 25 pounds in the last year. I vomit about 2-4 times a month sometimes immediately after eatting sometimes 2-3 hours later. This is a big decrease from last July-September when it was multiple times a day. Then the corn allergy was Dx and treatment for that began. The vomiting causes petechia on my face so I look beaten and grotesque.
We eat only organic, non-hormone or antibiotic added meat and poultry. I drink skim, organic milk. Usually ultra pasturized but when I can find it just regular pasturized. I make milk kefir and yogurt. We make our own bread using the NYT recipe and as soon as I use up my bread flour we are going to switch to sprouted grains. We eat a mix of mainstream and organic produce. I eat minimal processed foods. Off the top of my head the only processed foods I eat would be foods eaten at restaurants. I don't eat at fast food establishments.
I would like to have more energy, less vomitting, and regular periods.
My GP told me in January that there was nothing he could do for me. My endocrinologist told me a week ago that my thyroid THS at 1.6 meant I was fine and there was no correlation between my BBT and thyroid. My allergist recommended I take a subdermal flu shot to stimulate my immune system but that other than that there was nothing he could do for me as my sublingual dose was fine.
Sigh. I know I'm not healthy. I know I'm the exception to the practice of medicine. I am here to heal myself! I'm trying not to drown in all this information.
Please help! :D
Thank you!
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