
Tonight around 9pm I broke out in hives. It's pretty bad right now but I took 2 Benadryl about 15 minutes ago so I'm hoping for the intense itchiness to go away so that I can get some sleep. The only possible culprit I have in mind is raw milk kefir. I had about one oz of some I got from my local raw milk buying club. It had been sitting in the fridge for a little over a week before I opened it to try some. I only had about one ounce (in a shot glass) and that was it. I also had maybe 2 ounces of beet kvass and some sauerkraut today. I've consumed both the kvass and kraut with no problem, the kefir is the only thing that is new. I never tried raw milk kefir before and read here to start slow, I figured 1 oz was slow. I very rarely get hives. The last time I broke out in hives like this was about 3 years ago when I was under a lot of stress due to some legal issues that have been long since resolved. Anyway, I'm just wondering if you know of any other reactions similar to this on such a small amount of kefir? I've googled hives and kefir and read of similar reactions but I just wanted to run it by you and see what you thought.

Thank you!

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Addendum: I have been since Googling the connection between hives and kefir and found some interesting leads via Onibasu. What I've gathered is that something with kefir specifically, either the microbial action or the types of bacteria/yeasts in the culture have higher histamines that other probiotics, say 24 hour yogurt, and therefore can cause a reaction in individuals with higher than average histamine levels. I do not know where I stand with my histamine levels clinically, but based on experience alone, I would venture to say that my histamine levels are elevated. I assume the answer to this question is to aim to open those detox pathways as I have both MTHFR polymorphisms. I am searching here for threads related to histamines so I will be self-educating but would also like any feedback anyone has to share.
Justine, do you drink raw milk normally? This was pre-made commercial kefir, or homemade by someone? Any other anaphylactic allergens? Do you keep an EpiPen?

Large doses of vit C, homeopathic Apis and Epsom salt baths can help. But, I'd personally get allergen skin prick tested for dairy or other allergens to identify the culprit allergen. And get/carry an EpiPen. Could be a cross-contamination with nuts or cat/dog, even.

I have heard of people getting eczema flares, if they start too much kefir too fast as the kefir microbials displace some bacteria and the toxins must be excreted.

Some magnesium, zinc, selenium food sources can't hurt either. Wow, I hope you are doing ok now?!

Was that the first time consuming (this) kvass and kraut?

For severe allergy reactions, I'd probably head to the ER, especially as each subsequent exposure can be more severe. (ie. don't take any more until you are tested!)

Hives is a strong indicator of a porous gut lining. I would supplement short term (a month or so?) with glutamine - Metagenics has a very good (but pricey) product "Glutagenics". Or you could use something less pricey, RenewLife's "Intestinew". Bone broth would work over the longer term but will do little in your immediate crisis. I would also back off on the ferments for a bit (but not entirely stop) or you run the risk of continuing to get microbes floating around where they don't belong, stirring up more hives.

I would also supplement as Pat suggests to further support your body as it is goes through this crisis.
Jennifer, thank you very much for your feedback. I believe you are right. I am going to try the glutamine, and will spring for the pricier brand because I'd rather use something that definitely works! Do you know if there is any sort of detox reaction to be noticed when using glutamine? Do you know anything about colostrum also helping in this matter? i have access to raw colostrum but had read that one needs to go very slow with it as it can stir up detox reactions. Any feedback would be great! Thanks again!

Jennifer Steinbachs said:
Hives is a strong indicator of a porous gut lining. I would supplement short term (a month or so?) with glutamine - Metagenics has a very good (but pricey) product "Glutagenics". Or you could use something less pricey, RenewLife's "Intestinew". Bone broth would work over the longer term but will do little in your immediate crisis. I would also back off on the ferments for a bit (but not entirely stop) or you run the risk of continuing to get microbes floating around where they don't belong, stirring up more hives.

I would also supplement as Pat suggests to further support your body as it is goes through this crisis.

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