~ Food Has Power ~
I'd like to add more probiotics into my diet. I take capsules at the mo but would like to take it up a notch, hoping to help my gut heal and rebalance after years of undiagnosed gluten and casein issues (I am going 90% paleo eating right now, been off gluten for about 3 years but still not feeling right).
I am dairy free and need to minimise sugar as I am very sensitive to it, it causes me various unpleasant symptoms and also triggers cravings. I have heard you can make water kefir in coconut water? Would that be a good option for me? I looked into it a while ago but the cost of mailordering the coconut water was prohibitive, however my local health food shop has just started stocking it, including unflavoured. If I just have a little bit with a meal would that be enough to be effective?
I don't know what kombucha is except that it's good yeast? Would that help me or would it be sugary?
Just seeing your note. YES! on making water kefir. You just need a tablespoon for HUGE gut healing benefits. I flavor it with lemon and a few dates in the brew. The microbials consume the sugar (which is added). The longer the brew, the less sugar, more alcohol. Max 5% at a week.
Cultures for Health can ship to the UK. Check in the sharing cultures forum also. I believe I recall someone in the UK sharing grains.
I don't recommend kombucha with candida or mercury fillings as the S. boulardii displaces and replaces candida releasing mercury. It is more gentle to rebalance the gut by increasing beneficial microbials rather than attacking candida, imo.
Thanks very much for your reply. I have started making water kefir, I got some from kefirshop.co.uk. It took a few days to perk up after being stuck in the mail in freezing weather for a couple of days, but seems to be doing well. I am using unrefiuned sugar and adding a pinch of bicarb and a bit of fruit which seems to make it happier. It is coming our fizzier and less sweet.I've been leaving it 2 days at a time as I read that was best for it to thrive but I think once I am sure it is growing well I will try leaving it 3 days and hopefully get rid of more of the sugar.It is delicious, even my very conventional mum liked it.I'm going to try culturing young coconut water with it, but not until I have enough grains to split into two, just in case.
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
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