Hey, thank you for reading.

I have recently started to look back at my life as if from the eyes of another, without my own opinions on why I am who I am. This different perspective has brought me to see a deep need for understanding of my own nature, which I have always felt a strong gravitation toward. With use of magic mushrooms and cannabis, I have spent time analyzing the human psyche, and I understand people and their emotions very well, I can read a persons face like a written language. I spend a lot of time in thought, I feel very isolated inside my own mind. I have always felt a huge breach between me and others, that I can very easily reach over though it never seems as genuine as the real me, as it is riddled with anxiety.

I think I may have Asperger's Syndrome, but I have an eating disorder as well. I am nearly twenty three. Is there any connection between food and AS? Typically, I would enjoy going about the entire day with an empty stomach, not eating until only a couple hours before bed. It was a restrictive thing that felt good, and turned into an obsessive thing. It has never been about weight as I have always been very skinny. I feel like I have always had AS, looking back it seems clearly obvious, (I was homeschooled, raised christian, in the country with little to no contact outside of church) I endured a paralyzing social anxiety growing up that I seemed to handle surprisingly well on the outside and could communicate very effectively. Though hiding behind intelligence, I can be sarcastic and harsh not realize it. I am a fan of routines and I have no close friends, I rarely see others outside of my work.

Just this year, I lost control and began to start binging on food, the opposite of what I would typically do. I would literally purchase the same exact thing over and over, I became addicted. It was ridden with GMO's and I ate it several times a week in large quantities, sometimes everyday. I noticed I developed more of a routine, and more irritability when I couldn't complete my routine, or do what I planned on doing that day. (Same thing every day) Completely shut off from the world.

I eventually kicked that habit after a few months. My digestion improved and returned to normal. About one or two months later I began to make my own superior version of this junk food only with raw and organic ingredients and I currently binge on these. They have lots of turbinado sugar.

Socializing seems to just grow more and more difficult. I am very good at listening to my body, I know that the sugar addiction needs to go. Are there any tips others can provide me with? diet-wise or in general that can help me with this self-diagnosis of asperger's syndrome?

I believe I have a very high functioning asperger syndrome that I can mask well.. I almost see it as a gift, though I wish I could be a more social person. Any thoughts?

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Hey, Aspergers is a gift. Embrace it! <3

There are social benefits in different venues. There are social challenges in other venues. What behaviors are you wishing to change or adapt to what type of environment?

Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc help with OCD and anxiety. And magnesium. Nettles are great for nutrients too.

Medical studies regarding OCD and natural substances: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/obsessive-compulsive-disorder
Medical studies regarding anxiety and natural substances: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/anxiety-disorders
Stress studies: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/stress-and-anxiety
Zinc and Omega 3 are important for anorexia too: http://www.greenmedinfo.com/disease/anorexia


Thank you for the response, that is very helpful.

I am most interested in meeting new friends or just feeling comfortable around people in general. I need to do more reading later, but I think it may have something to do with gluten or casein. At around the same time that was added to my diet I seemed to become worse. Balance is off..feel like I'm dragging myself along, ect

I find that I connect best with people with similar interests, rather than superficially. Aspergers folks generally enjoy talking about their favorite topics (in depth and extensively), especially fun with others who enjoy the same topics. I'd say that most everyone in my extended family could probably be labeled with an "Aspergers" diagnosis. :-)

So, finding others who enjoy the same topics as you would probably be the most comfortable people to meet and to be around. I've learned that there are communities of people around every topic, passion, interest imaginable.

As an introvert, it is often easier to connect online, rather than in large groups. Perhaps, seek out community online in relation to your interests. That is what I love about this forum and our Q&A group on Facebook.

Additionally, conferences, such as health or Paleo or whatever of interest are additional ways to connect with like-minded people. Classes, courses, meetups around an interest are other ways to find "interesting" people, in my experience.

But, I've heard that gluten can be an issue for some people socially (fears/anxiety). Casein is more of an "aggression" reaction, from my observations.


Those are very good suggestions, I will give them my consideration. I would be interested in finding out if my town holds any conferences on health.

I would be very glad about that, if it holds true for myself.
I have recently removed gluten and grains from my diet and I just don't know if I would want to give up dairy. I only use cheese though, nothing else for me.

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