I'm new to this site, so I hope I'm posting this in the right spot.  I'm trying to rid our house and my family of some toxins, but this is still new to me.  My biggest concern right now is my amalgam filling.  I have one in my mouth and I've been reading how these can leak mercury!!!  My husband and I are currently trying to conceive, so my question is whether I should have it removed before we conceive.  Can I just go to my regular dentist to have it removed, he has used white fillings on a couple of my other teeth. 

 In advance, I'd like to say thank you. 


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I have 10 amalgams, I'm very cautious/concerned about the removal benefits and risks. If I were ttc within 18-24 months, I would NOT have a mercury filling removed and absolutely not by a regular dentist.

Opening detox pathways with whole food nutrients is a priority, first. Otherwise the huge load of mercury exposure is more than the body can process and folks could end up with far worse health. Andy Cutler and IAOMT protocols are resources to research and study before considering amalgam removal. I have several friends who are NOT better for having their amalgams removed.

If you have optimized nutrients to excrete toxins well and have balanced microbials in the gut, I believe that the IOAMT mercury amalgam removal protocol could be done safely.

However, 40% of North Americans have impaired detoxification due to the MTHFR gene polymorphism and do not excrete toxins well. Those with effective detoxification systems probably are fine with the small daily exposures of mercury as the body naturally detoxifies all the time. If one has more than four mercury fillings or health issues, mercury removal and safe excretion of the toxins becomes much more complicated.

Wish I didn't have a mouthful of mercury. But, I expect it is going to remain. I'm focused on optimizing my detoxification system to handle the years of toxin exposure and stored toxins. I have friends who don't seem to have impaired detoxification systems remove amalgams and chelate according to the Andy Cutler protocol for a couple of years and are doing well.

Everyone's situation varies, especially if one wants to try to conceive within 18 months, is pregnant or nursing.

Here are several threads about whether to remove or not remove amalgams:

Personally, I would not worry about one mercury filling. I'd focus on optimizing nutrients, especially folate!

And check out this "Superfoods and TTC" thread.

HTH, Pat
My Dad almost died from hard metal toxicity. He's totally better now! Check out this video.

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