My 3 week old is way off schedule. Sleeps most of the day and is awake for hours late at  night into the early morning. He seems to be uncomfortable at times. Crying moving his hands around and kicking his legs straight out. I am thinking it may be "colic"! He doesn't cry for hours on end but has his moments and wants to be walked in certain positions for hours.  He was born at home with no medications and has had no vaccinations or medications. He was 7 pounds 2 ounces and is almost 10 pounds now.  He is he fed only breast milk..which I have a ton of! I have just recently added water kefir to my diet. I have tried drinking chamomile tea throughout the day. He also was adjusted by my chiropractor on Wednesday.  Any suggestions?? Thank you SO much.


Does your baby have gassy, painful crying for long periods of the day AND night?! Are you sleep deprived and exhausted from walking your baby? Your baby's gut health can be supported while strengthening her immune system. There are EASY nutrients to add to stop the crying and gassiness.'

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For me and my son nothing really helped but being close to me, all the time, so I carried him for, I think, at least the first 6 momths, LOL, and yes I did the walking thing too.   Have you tried (this didn't work for me but might for you) eliminating common allergens from your diet, like gluten, corn, dairy etc.  Also I know my son was very sensitive to the laundry soap I used on his clothes. 


Just a couple of thoughts.

I'd eliminate dairy. Green mucusy stools and/or red ring around the anus is usually dairy intolerance. Night-wakening is often wheat or corn. Soy goes hand-in-hand with dairy intolerance as they are similar proteins.

Wheat/gluten, GMO-soy and GMO-corn are other likely culprits. I didn't realize how much they are in everything we eat.  We had issues with
cruciferous veggies too. And garlic and oddly cinnamon. But, eliminating dairy was huge.

Here is a list of hidden diary:

Hidden corn:

Mama eating Bubbies sauerkraut (just a bite) with meals will improve stomach acid and digestion. Mama eating whole food probiotics will decrease her gut reactions. Baby is usually reacting to mama's food intolerances. The baby is the "canary in the coal mine" telling what foods mama isn't digesting fully.

Food Journal is the gold standard. Tum-ease and Gripe Water help too, but only help symptoms, not cause.

Start here for healing your gut:


I found a great remedy for colic when my babies were young and I've since shared this with friends and it has never failed me (or anyone else who has tried it)

Go to the spice aisle at your local grocery store and get caraway seeds. 

Boil about 2 cups of water with caraway seeds (enough to cover roughly half the surface area of the pot you are boiling them in) in the water until the water turns kind of an orange color (2-3 minutes). Strain the seeds out of the water and the "tea" is fed to your baby (in a bottle of course) after it has cooled to room temperature. You can store this in the fridge for a few days, but i usually made new tea for my kids. 

Sounds like your baby has had a great start!   Kudos to you! :)


My son is now 2, but he was horribly colicky.  He was also breastfed & had no vaccinations.  The only thing I found that gave him relief is Colic Calm- I think the site is  It's a homeopathic remedy that you give before feedings.   The company has a wonderful 800 # with people who have heard the colic story so many times! 


It's a very dark solution & turns your baby's stool dark. I was hesitant but was reassured by the homeopathic nature that I gave it a try.  We only had to use it for a few weeks before he was resting better.   Though we didn't find out abou this until about 8-10 weeks. 


Good luck!   I know how difficult it is to have a sleepless baby!


Oh the joys of parenthood ;-) Meg your story is very similiar to my daughters and her newborn. Same wonderful protocol with natural birth, breast fed, no vac's, chiropractic. She too went thru a stage with her daughter with the same symptoms. She started keeping a log of what SHE ate on a daily basis and would log any distress she would see in the baby. She narrowed it down to dairy, the occassional soda and spicey food. Definitely dairy. She also tried Gripe Water but saw no noticable difference. 

I recently read in a health magazine to give your baby probiotics for infants.  It has shown to be 80% effective.


Thank  you for all your help.

Meg how's it going?  Was just thinking about you, and remembering when my (now teenage) boys were babies.



Cole is now 2 months old and everything is going great! He is fussy at times but no longer does the things that make me feel that he is uncomfortable. I have been having him adjusted monthly at the Chiropractor and was thinking of looking into Craniosacral therapy for him just to make sure everything is where is supposed to be. I have continued drinking the water kefir. He is growing great, he is super strong and is really starting to "talk" alot! Thank you so much for checking in on us. Very sweet of you.
So glad things are going so well.  It's amazing how quickly they grow!

Meg said:
Cole is now 2 months old and everything is going great! He is fussy at times but no longer does the things that make me feel that he is uncomfortable. I have been having him adjusted monthly at the Chiropractor and was thinking of looking into Craniosacral therapy for him just to make sure everything is where is supposed to be. I have continued drinking the water kefir. He is growing great, he is super strong and is really starting to "talk" alot! Thank you so much for checking in on us. Very sweet of you.

My son has been so fussy and gassy this past week.  I want to try the caraway tea solution.  How much should I give a 4 week old and how often? 

Bobbie Smith said:

I found a great remedy for colic when my babies were young and I've since shared this with friends and it has never failed me (or anyone else who has tried it)

Go to the spice aisle at your local grocery store and get caraway seeds. 

Boil about 2 cups of water with caraway seeds (enough to cover roughly half the surface area of the pot you are boiling them in) in the water until the water turns kind of an orange color (2-3 minutes). Strain the seeds out of the water and the "tea" is fed to your baby (in a bottle of course) after it has cooled to room temperature. You can store this in the fridge for a few days, but i usually made new tea for my kids. 

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