Hi Pat and all the ladies :)
I hoping for some help so I'm going to post a little history starting with college years because I think that part of my life was very hard on my body

Grew up eating SAD diet and typical drugs given now a days to kiddos for illness.

5 years in college I drank heavily and I mean HEAVILY, nearly every night then always ending the night with fast food on top of already SAD diet. Smoked cigarettes socially for 3 years, worked in a smoke filled bar for 4 years. Also smoked weed occasionally, did other drugs a handful of times(I know I don't feel good about all this )but feel it's important to know.
Got seriously sick first year in college with strep throat like sickness but wasn't strep, docs had no clue what it was. Put on abx.

I've had irregular periods since starting at age 16, 2 week long periods with heavy bleeding. Put on BCP to correct it whcih did help for a short period of time. From then on I got periods maybe twice a year with having to get back on BCP to have a period. Went 8 months once without a period. Was told I have didn't have PCOS because I'm too thin:\ but wasn't ovulating.

Started seeing an herbalist years later who put me on better diet and herbs, started having periods. Also for the past 3 years I get about 2-3 migraines a month.

Got pregnant(wasn't trying)and didn't know it for 7 weeks till I started feeling sick. Drank occasionally before I knew. Had typical morning sickness but only vomited once till about 13 weeks along. Rest of pregnancy was wonderful. I gained 28 lbs, had terrible acne the WHOLE time, some leg cramping, weird rash on a small area of my butt and back, pain moving in and out of bed near hip can't remember what they called that but said it was normal. Towards the end of pregnancy I would get a little dizzy when doing my hair and my heart would pound but all around felt good. Very minimal swelling in the ankles and feet the last week

I had a natural child birth that was 8 hours long with 40 minutes of pushing. I did recieve abx in labor because I was positive for group strep...think that's what it's called. I recovered nicely and milk came in right away.
2 months PP- I got mastitis bad!!! I ate garlic but it came back 2 more times after that but I cured it with even MORE garlic.
4 months PP-my thyroid became enormous. Test results showed a TSH of 43, slightly B2 deficient and and adrenal fatigue. ND diagnosed me with Hashimotos. Went on naturthroid and about a year later My levels were normal last time I had them checked. Going again next week to get them checked again.
I get constipated weekly, went thru a bout of diarrhea in the winter for about a week, also get it occasionally now. For about 3 days I had an ulcer time feeling in stomach with no appetite but hasn't returned since.
I have 1 small mercury filling on the side of a molar. No allergies that I'm aware of or food intolerance but have cut out gluten because of Hashis/gluten connection.

I want to had a little for my daughter
She's 14 months old. She stayed in the hospital for 1 week due to some sort of infection(docs had no clue)recieved abx for 3 days, wasn't eating or peeing well and became jaundice.
Has was I suspect to be decay on her 4 front teeth none on the bottom 3. She's been puffy under her eyes daily since she was about 3 months old from what I can remember and gets constipated all the time. She's mainly still nursing but have upped solid intake because she wants to eat everything. She's in the 90% for height and 12% for weight.

Thank you so very much ladies for taking the time to read me very long history.

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I forgot to add that around 4 months PP I discovered a tender spot in abdomen about 1 inch left of bellybutton and 2inches above.Spleen perhaps??? It's still tender and ultrasound showed nothing. My left floater rib pokes out more than the right and is very tender.
My daughter would only nurse right breast at 8 months so I let left breast dry up. She would throw a fit If I put her on that side.
Didn't know If that would be relevant or not :)
It sounds like the migraines, Hashimotos, constipation, detoxing, abdominal tenderness are current priorities for you. Tooth health, constipation, nutritional solids are priorities for dd.

Gut health Where to start? Help 101. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1096747

Especially, Start here to learn about detox pathways: http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/detox-obstacle-course

And here are a few informal videos about detox pathways:

and here about evaluating digestion and stomach acid (beet "pink pee" test): http://heal-thyself.ning.com/forum/topics/the-beet-test

#1- I would do Epsom salt baths for each of you every day.

2. I would add bifidum probiotics for each of you.
Kirkmans makes a hypoallergenic bifidum for infants. Here's a link to the Kirkman Labs hypoallergenic probiotic. http://www.kirkmanlabs.com/ViewProductDetails@Product_ID@186@Produc...

But you want bifidum bacteria, predominantly.

3. I would make water kefir and each take a teaspoon a day.
Water kefir is dairy-free.

4. I would take a teaspoon of Bubbies sauerkraut juice, each, per day.
(just have baby lick the liquid/powder probiotics off of your finger)

That is what I'd work on first. And I'd consider dairy, gluten, soy, corn-free diet for 2-6 weeks. These are the most common food intolerances related to gut dysbiosis. And keep a food journal for you and dd.

Here is a list of hidden diary: http://www.kellymom.com/store/handouts/concerns/hidden-dairy.pdf

Hidden corn: http://www.cornallergens.com/list/corn-allergen-list.php

5. I'd add a corn-free vit C. (not sure of brand)

6. I'd order fermented CLO for you and dd. I ordered fermented CLO (plain flavor) from here: http://www.building-health.com/ It is much cheaper than on the Green Pastures site. And when you buy 2 bottles, you save another $6. So, it was $36.90 vs. $49 (at Green Pastures), and shipping was FREE!

Read: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=13835152&po...

This is my "Cliffs Notes" version for health guts.

Lemon in water. Bone broth. Epsom salt baths. Then Green juices or broccoli or liver. Then..

Most cost effective alternatives are whole food nutrients.

homemade bone broth every. single. day. 1 cup (MANY nutrients needed for detox, plus minerals)
homemade (milk/water) kefir every. single. day. 1 cup (gradually work up, start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a week.) (B vits, enzymes, most probiotics in proper ph)
homemade kombucha every. single. day. (start with an ounce, increase by 1 ounce a month, if no mercury fillings.) (displaces and replaces candida albicans in the gut)
green smoothie every. single. day. day 2 cups (any juice plus any dark leafy greens, rotate produce)
liver one ounce, only three times a week. (B-vits essential for detox)

coconut oil 1 Tbls every. single. day. (medium chain fatty acids, kills candida in the large intestine)
fermented CLO, every. single day. (most expensive item) (vit A, D, K, EFAs)
Bubbies sauerkraut 1 Tbls. every. single. day. (or other raw, fermented food) (probiotics)
Brazil nuts 2 ONLY, every. single. day. (selenium)

Epsom salts a pinch in water, all day long. (magnesium sulfate)
Celtic Sea Salt a pinch in every glass of water, broth. (microminerals)
Lemon juice, fresh squeezed, 1 tsp. in every glass of water or smoothie. (alkalizing to body ph, paradoxically)
Raw local honey, 1 Tbls at bedtime. (helps bifidum bacteria to grow in the gut)
Egg yolk, 1 per day. (if not IgE) (nutrients help to detox)
Vit C, 1000mg, two times a day. (helps to detox)

Check out the Thyroid Thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=493320

And the Adrenal Fatigue Thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=685848

The Iodine Thread: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showthread.php?t=1091794&h...

These food additions will help with nutrients for digestion, detox, and gut healing, tooth health and hormonal rebalancing.

Pat is so knowledgeable! I agree that you seem to have some food allergies or sensitivities. If I was you, I would try to eliminate all corn and dairy as well as the gluten. Food allergies can trigger migraines. Try to keep a food journal and maybe you will see a pattern of what you may be eating that is causing different symptoms. I try to keep a mental one; like I know that eggs make the bottoms of my feet hurt, they give my daughter a headache. My daughter has a very clear peanut allergy, and I found that anytime I eat peanuts, I will hardly sleep at all that night. Diet is so important to getting, and staying, healthy.

Thanks Pat and Julie :)

We have been on CLO, just started C, and I do epsom salts for DD but I haven't yet. We also do numerous other things mentioned above. We have been gluten free for 5weeks and some dairy here and there for me. We just did ELISA IGg test for DD and I so hoping to get that back soon.
I have read the detox pathways per mothering :) but they really haven't clicked in my head yet ;/ It's very confusing to me.
The probiotic I'm taking is allergen free but has a few other strians as well as bifidum but from what you said Pat that's not ok?
Bifidum is important. More strains of probiotics is beneficial. Powdered and capsules are not as effective (viable to the gut) as liquid probiotics or ones in an acid medium, however.

I'm confused to what you were referring, though.


kinshealth said:
The probiotic I'm taking is allergen free but has a few other strains as well as bifidum but from what you said Pat that's not ok?
It's a powder I can't remember the brand and i'm nursing the little one so can't get up to check:)
I quit the sauerkraut because it's a goitaregen. Having said that would the benefits outweigh the risks?????

Also I have been taking natural calm for mag but it usually upsets my stomach. The few first times it gave me a weird headache should I continue it? Do I take epsom salts and natural calm or just one of the two for mag?

thank you so much Pat
I don't know the answers for you. Listen to your body. If it feels like too much magnesium, consider smaller amounts or dividing the dose. Be sure you are getting adequate potassium also. OJ, carrot juice, potatoes are high in potassium. I take the Natural Calm with food, and only one teaspoon in water. Not the whole dose on the container. I toss a pinch of Redman's Real Salt into the glass also.

The magnesium could be opening some detox pathways too. So, I'd be sure to get extra vit C and some selenium.

I still eat my Bubbies sauerkraut. I just don't like cooked cabbage. And I just eat a big spoonful once a day. So, I'm ok with that amount. I wouldn't eat a bowlful every day, though.

We tried to think of some food without "risks" and couldn't. LOL


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