I start this blog on a rather bold front. I am now on a countdown to the beginning of my exclusive raw milk diet. I will be drinking nothing but milk for 4 weeks. There, I said it, I can’t turn around now! I’ve begun preparing my body by completely cutting out gluten. I’ve heard that gluten causes all kinds of nasty diseases. I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (HT) and it certainly sounds like a nasty disease. It also just so happens that many people who have gluten-intolerance also have HT (and other autoimmune diseases), and when they stop eating gluten they are able to alleviate many symptoms.
Now this brings me to an interesting thought that has been rattling about in my head. Why are people so intolerant of so many things (and I’m not talking prejudice here, that’s another conversation)? You’re either gluten-sensitive, or lactose intolerant or you suffer from multiple allergies or something. There is a long list of possible culprits, let me tell you. And there are champions of each of these causes. See because I believe that our bodies used to be pretty darn perfect, we functioned quite wonderfully, a long time ago. Now we’re all broken down and fat and diseased and tired and stressed out! What the heck is going on?
I am on a quest to answer this question to my own satisfaction. I have always been curious about this stuff. Like, why do so many people need glasses? How could we have carried on our species way back when we were hunter/gatherers (HG) if half of us couldn’t see the darn animals?! We would have died out pretty quickly. So I’m guessing all this vision trouble is a relatively new thing. But my real probing of the question of why we are so messed up really picked up speed when I found out I was one of the sick ones!
I will ponder on this regularly. One thought I have is, perhaps we just eat a bunch of junk and it’s killing us. What do you think? A possibility?

Views: 83

Comment by Julie on May 13, 2009 at 11:02pm
Wow! I hope you made it through your raw milk challenge. I tried a veggie juice fast for 3 days and didn't make it. I was starving!

I really think there are a number of factors why our bodies are breaking down. One of the major ones being the changes in our food; like: pesticides, genetically modified foods, added hormones and poor diets to cattle and poultry, refined and bleached grains, tons of chemical additives, extreme heating to dairy products, pasturization, etc. Besides all the chemicals in the air (chem trails), exhaust, fertilizers,. Then there's medications, and all the chemicals and microbes and bacteria in our tap water: flouride treatments, amalgam fillings, antibiotics (a huge culprit). There's just so many things that have changed and our bodies have to try and detox more than ever before in history. I think it's amazing how God made our bodies to heal themselves. If we give them the healthy foods they were made to eat and can remove a lot of the toxins, most things will heal on their own. Another thing I thought of was all the toxic cleaning products we are used to using. It's all doing harm....
Comment by Susan Roragen on August 9, 2009 at 10:26pm
I'm new to this site but would love to know how the raw milk fast went. Did you make it through and did you feel better? If so, how about raw milk kefir, would that work?

And yep, I firmly believe the SAD junk diet is our downfall. And now the SAOD is following. (Standard American Organic Diet.) Organic has become a catchword for trapping the unwary and those just grabbing for whatever says organic to try to mimic what they're used to eating.
Comment by Jill Cruz on August 11, 2009 at 3:57pm
I did the fast for 12 days. I made a few crucial mistakes which I will share with you.

First I agree with Julie that there are so many things to consider, so many toxins in our environment and in our bodies. If I do the raw milk fast again I will make sure I have all of my amalgam fillings out of my head first. I believe that the detox was drawing more mercury out of the filling and flooding my system. I was dizzy and had headaches and often had a sensation that my head was vibrating.
My other mistake is that I was skimming my milk. Whoa, what a huge mistake!! Our bodies need the fat to properly digest the proteins and nutrients in the milk. This is why I did feel weak in the beginning. After I worked that out I did feel better.
Another thing is the fast at the beginning was very intense for me because I have low-body fat (about 18% when I started). After one day of not eating I was not doing well at all. I wouldn't do that again. I would just have a day of eating small amounts and then go into the milk. And I would make sure I started off the milk/kefir/yogurt more carefully. Logistically it's hard to get used to consuming a liquid every 30 minutes all day long.
Anyway, I feel that I could do it again and I could do it longer up to 30 days. It wasn't that hard to do actually and I felt very pure. And had pretty regular bowel movements too.
I would also do it with different milk. My milk for now is from Holsteins. I would definitely do it on Jerseys because of the higher fat content (and better taste).
Comment by Susan Roragen on August 11, 2009 at 4:57pm
Thanks for the update. :) Since I am unable to remove the amalgam fillings and replace them, I appreciate knowing how they would negatively impact the fast.


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