My friend's daughter found a bullseye rash, here was my initial research regarding lyme and alternative treatments.

Transmission is quite rare, with only about 1% of recognized tick bites resulting in Lyme disease. Acute neurological problems, which appear in 15% of untreated patients, encompass a spectrum of disorders. Chronic neurologic symptoms occur in up to 5% of untreated patients.

[Wondering what percentage of TREATED patients end up with acute disorders and chronic symptoms from the aggressive antibiotic treatment.]

"Up to one third of Lyme disease patients who have completed a course of antibiotic treatment continue to have symptoms such as severe fatigue, sleep disturbance, and cognitive difficulties, with these symptoms being severe in about 2% of cases.

Antibiotic treatment is the central pillar in the management of Lyme disease. However, in the late stages of borreliosis, symptoms may persist despite extensive and repeated antibiotic treatment.

Alternative medicine approaches include bee venom because it contains the peptide melittin, which has been shown to exert inhibitory effects on Lyme bacteria in vitro; however, no clinical trials of this treatment have been carried out.

There are many alternative treatments that have had success. Some of them are described below. As for anyone, eating whole, unprocessed organic foods will be of benefit. Also, eliminating sugar, saturated meal fats, alcohol, and common food allergens (such as wheat, dairy, and corn) from the diet can lessen the body’s burden so it has energy to fight the Lyme spirochetes. Exercise is very important for Lyme sufferers because it supports the lymph and cardiovascular systems which are pushing out wastes from the immune system and pulling in fresh nutrients to the body to improve its healing ability. "
(more alternative treatments, scroll 75% down):

Here are two long threads on MDC:

Cell salts alternatives:

There is a homeopath in Connecticut who specializes in Lyme.

She recommends a grain and sugar free diet:

Everyone is talking about teasel for lyme, per "Lady Barbara":

Here is some bio-chemistry and detox info related to lyme:

alternatives to antibiotics:

acupuncture is suggested here: ; (probably the most informative alternative site yet)

Probiotics, Garlic and Medicinal Mushrooms:

good photo:

Lyme research data base:

Longer list of alternative therapies:

(more alternatives, check salt/vit C protocol, the site is very advert heavy):

Homeopathy info:


HTH, Pat

Views: 1469

Comment by Pat Robinson on July 31, 2012 at 8:39pm

A member asks, "Does anyone have advice for late stage Lyme disease treatment? I can't take all the antibiotics, I have tried a lot of things with no improvement. It has done severe damage to my body. I have lived in bed for over 4 years."

Many helpful suggestions:


Comment by Pat Robinson on July 9, 2013 at 1:04pm

A recent, long discussion:

If I thought I had lyme, I'd read this website closely. Stephen Buhner is a well-respected herbalist.

I'd see our acupuncturist for TCM well before I'd do conventional antibiotics for any duration.

this site looks interesting (first time seeing it):

biofilm herbs:

I'd do some reading here:

Inhibiting nitric acid pathways seems to be an issue. (I don't know that this is a good thing to do, but here are some natural substances which do this):

biofilm research:

Lyme and natural substances:

this looks like an informative collection of links with some more alternative perspectives:
this looks comprehensive, see page 26:

naturopathic protocol (I'd avoid chelators):

this BMJ article basically indicates that antibiotics are "disappointing":

ton of info here:

well documented conventional research:

worth a read:

apparently there is a homeopathic Borrelia Burgdorferi remedy:

from all of my reading, antibiotics perhaps help within the first couple of weeks of a known bullseye rash --- but basically antibiotic therapy is a crapshoot thereafter and do impair the immune system.
I'm not an antibiotic gal. I do embrace natural herbal antimicrobials and natural probiotic consumption on a daily basis, however.



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