Is there a quick way to permanently eliminate fungus w/o following a super-restrictive diet for a year?  I'd even be willing to use allopathics if they are proven effective w/o causing further damage/issues.

Thanks for any info!

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Once you get used to the clean diet you will not want to eat any other way. It is worth the transition. You can do it slowly. probiotics, practiioners, homeopathic remedies are all helpful. It is a lifestyle. No quick way. Allopathic drugs create more of a problem. Your body knows how to heal, the fungus needs to be balanced. My daughter did the nystatin and yeast was back 2 weeks later. Waste of time. The MD world cannot heal canidida. Air quality is Key. What you breathe lives in you. If you are in a moldy work or home environment, that is a good place to start. None of it easy, but if you want easy, you will not get well.

Thanks, Linda.

I'm working with a chiropractor who says that anti-fungal drugs may appear to be working but they actually drive the fungus much deeper into the body.  I'd heard this before.

The diet he gave me is so restrictive: no vinegar, nothing cured or fermented, no xylitol even.  I find it quite challenging to eat in restaurants w/o simply ordering naked grilled food.  Cooking at home is less challenging, but still has great limitations.

I'm committed to finally getting rid of it though.  I've had it for over 27 years and it dovetails with other issues: leaky gut/inflammation, adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, Hashimoto's and vitiligo.

It is the foundation of many autoimmune diseases.  I was on the diet with my 4 and 6 years old daughters for 2 years and I have continued. Once you get the yeast in balance, you need to heal the gut then you find you can eat more things without reacting but you do notice a difference so I do not eat it. After years you do not want any of it. bread tastes like nothing but mush. It is very hard at first but your taste buds will change, your body will cleans, you crave what your body is made of, it takes about 3 months to change. We never ate out because first you cannot then when you can the food does not taste good. When we travel we would fine mexican, japanese, or indian restaurants. they use real ingredients, not processed food... mostly. You learn how to be a good cook. It is easy, just plane food has great flavor. Oil, lemon juice, garlic, salt and pepper for dressing for life and it goes on everything. After a few years we had balsamic vinegar at a family party on a salad and my daughters throat swelled up and reacted as well. It is the acid... health is in an alkaline system, 7.3. I wish you joy in your journey and know you are not alone. Now I just say I do not eat processed foods. That eliminates all the junk. I believe Celiac is the first "disease" that the MD world agrees that diet can cure. I believe it is fungal based and much grain is moldy, in silos for years and mixed with moldy grain and the yeast that is put in many foods... don't get me started. You are a smart woman! Follow your intuition. You will be healthy. Fresh clean air! Rock on!

Hi Linda,

I've never been one for processed foods, have always had a very healthy diet, but lived overseas as a Peace Corps Volunteer and the fungal infection arose after taking powerful drugs to kill the various parasites I got.  I just didn't know for years.

You mentioned 2 things that I'm curious about:

how would I get my air quality analyzed for molds?

Do you have any links to articles explaining the connection between fungus and autoimmune issues?

I really enjoy eating out and in my area many restaurants use organic fresh foods and grassfed meats.  Most sauces though have vinegar, wine, something fermented in them.  I am adjusting to cooking more at home and carrying food with me when I go places.


Drugs make your body acidic and that environment feeds parasites, candida, fungus and bacterial growth. Probiotics can help build up the drugs that killed them. Some say one antibiotic use can create a strong imbalance. NAET, energetic medicine is the main thing that has helped my candida issues. Testing air quality can be a waste of time and money. It is based on your sensitivity and time of exposure. There are no standards. It is metals, toxins of any  kind etc. that can create ill health. Detoxing, and getting your body to accept the nutrition that it is deficient in. Some chiropractors are great at this. I use NAET. can help with connections to auto immune and

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