Sarah Wood


Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
from Pat R. via EHA.
What does "holistic" mean to you?
Approaching our health by looking at the big picture: nutrition, circumstances, emotional/psychological state etc. Addressing the whole problem and not just treating ourselves symptomatically.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
About 4 years... every since becoming a mom! I'm sure the interest was latent in me before then, but motherhood has really caused it to blossom.
a little about me
I am married, mother of two boys (so far). I am an avid babywearer, and passionate about (ecological)breastfeeding, EC, and other "AP" type practices. I have been preparing traditional foods for a little over a year and I also enjoy languages, traveling, culture, religion, reading and learning new things! I hope to grow some medicinal and culinary herbs soon and figure out what else I can grow on our shady property.
Professional or business affiliations?

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson

    Hey Sarah, welcome!

    Consider posting in our many forum discussions, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a blog post about natural health and healing or about learning to prepare traditional foods. The beef heart experiments would make a wonderful blog post!

    Glad you joined us.
