Sharing starter cultures

kefir grains, kombucha scobies, sourdough starters available to share

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  • New Zealand - seeking water & milk kefir grains please

    I have kombucha scobies if anyone wants one :o)

    By Vicki Rogers

  • Water Kefir Grains available

    I have water kefir grains available for the cost of materials and shipping.Message me for info.Thanks, Penny* Edited: I am currently out of extra Milk Kefir grains.*

    By Penny Baumann

  • Looking for Water Kiefer grains and Kombucha Scobie

    Hi, I'm looking for some Water Kefer grains, and Kombucha Scobie.  I am happy to pay for shipping cost.  Let me know if you have some extra to share!Warmly,Toni

    By Toni

  • Midwest

    Post here if you have cultures to share in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, or Iowa.

    By Shannon

  • Searching for Milk Kefir Grains

    I have messaged and posted in so many different places, but I can't seem to find any. I'm willing to pay shipping, if someone could send me some. Thanks!! Oh I'm in South Dakota. Laura

    By Laura H.

  • England? Europe?

    Do you have culture starters to share?Thanks!Pat

    By Pat Robinson

  • I am in NEED of Milk Kefir Grains...

    After many years of making and sharing kefir, 'grains' I find myself in need. Let's just say the wrong person cleaned out my fridge. Now I have none! :( HELP

    By Julie Karami

  • Water kefir grains to share (NY)

    Hi all,I've got some water kefir grains that are reproducing like bunnies! If any wants some just message me. I only ask for shipping to be covered.ThanksJen

    By jennifer larson

  • Milk Kefir and Sourdough Starter

    Hi there! I am in need of milk kefir grains and a sourdough starter. I am in North Charlotte area of NC and am willing to meet in and around Charlotte. I'm also willing to pay shipping if someone has milk kefir grains that they can mail. Can you mail sourdough starter? I don't know how that works.…

    By Elizabeth Lawson Evans

  • Need kombucha scoby will pay shipping

    I'm in central California.I've shipped kombucha scobies to others before. Now I accidentally let my scoby dry out and mold :(To ship:I just double ziplock bagged one in enough kombucha to keep it wet. Then fit it into the smallest flat rate shipping hard sided box they have at the post office.When…

    By Myrina
