How long have you been interested in holistic living?
For a good 10 years.
a little about me
I am a mom of two and health and nutrition mavin of our home. I am also starting to make healthy products to market and constantly learning more and more and more.
Professional or business affiliations?
I am an entrepreneur we have a antiques business, farm part time and are starting to create healthy products to sell.
I "liked" the band. That is funny, did I mention on here that I was born and raised in Maine. I probably did somewhere. LOL I was actually from a small town called Waldoboro, Maine, and still have family there.
Pat Robinson
Consider posting in our many Forum discussions or Groups, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a Blog post about natural health and healing!
We love photos of kids enjoying whole foods too!
Glad you joined us.
Dec 3, 2010
Pam Genant
Happy Birthday Melinda!
Feb 5, 2011
Pam Genant
Hi Melinda,
I "liked" the band. That is funny, did I mention on here that I was born and raised in Maine. I probably did somewhere. LOL I was actually from a small town called Waldoboro, Maine, and still have family there.
Feb 5, 2011