Nancy Horn


Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
Homeschool email
What does "holistic" mean to you?
A Natural way of life
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
About 15 years
a little about me
It started with my older son having behavior problems when he was young. Then my middle son had different issues with behavior and then last but not least my daughter has body issues that no doctor seemed to be able to figure out. So I did research on my own. And all where related to food. With my older son I found a diet called the Feingold Diet. It took him off of dyes etc. He was affected mostly by dyes. It made his behavior very extreme. I always new this wasn't the way my son wanted to act. He has never had unacceptable behavior since. So this is what started my holistic journey. Then when my next son came along I found out corn syrup made him not himself (again unaccetable behavior). He is also thriving very well. Along came my daughter with a milk allergy that three doctors missed. But having had the experience of the previous children I went and did research and discovered this myself. I myself have had breast cancer (9 years ago) so I'm always striving to balance my mind, body and soul in a more holistic way.
Professional or business affiliations?

Comment Wall:

  • Pam Genant

    Happy Birthday Nancy!


    Nancy, you should visit more often, you would have a lot to offer this group!