Kate Semken

Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
through another health site
What does "holistic" mean to you?
feeding & using as natural foods & products as possible. No additives, chemicals, processed food, etc.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
many years
a little about me
lLate 20's long term antibiotic use, prescribed by doctor for adult acne, who didn't know better. Now leaky gut, food intolerances, compromised immune system etc, no hydrochloric acid for digestion, erosion of eosophagal & stomach lining, etc.
Take numerous health supplements to stimulate digestion & boost immune system. Do my own research & help myself as I have given up on practitioners, naturopaths, homeopaths etc. In the too hard basket for all of them as I have too many digestive problems for them to want to deal with. Read & study many web sites & health blogs.
Professional or business affiliations?
I am an individual, not a professional in the health industry. Would be sorry if that excluded me from joining your site.

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson


    Consider posting in our many forum discussions, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a blog post about natural health and healing!

    Glad you joined us.

  • Pam Genant

    Happy Birthday Kate!