

Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
From the CL list. There I'm Lauren/yis4yoga, and on MDC I'm Fairyrae. :)
What does "holistic" mean to you?
I think looking at health and healing from a variety of standpoints--mental, physical, emotional, spiritual health, along with utilizing a variety of methods for healing, like nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, physical movement, etc...I guess trying to look at our health from a variety of angles and trying to really support our systems so that we can heal ourselves...
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
About 6 years.
a little about me
I'm a mom to my almost 2 year old, striving to practice consensual living and radical unschooling. I've been studying a lot about food sensitivities and gut health, and am looking to learn more. We are on a gluten/dairy/soy/corn/egg free diet, based on the reactions I've seen in my son. I am looking for ways to heal his (and my) gut.
Professional or business affiliations?
I am a yoga teacher which I feel is related to living holistically, but don't know that I have much to offer professionally/business wise!

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson

    Lauren, I'm just starting with the idea of doing one on one consults. And you'd be my first "official" client. :-) So, you get to be my guinea pig for free, if you'd like. But, I believe you will get the most perspectives by posting to the group as a whole. And if you find that doesn't meet your needs, you may want to consider more individual discussion with one of us. I'm happy to chat with you on the phone also. :-)

    Posting to the list provides a learning opportunity for all of us, since we each bring different experiences and research to the discussion. Similarly, on MDC, there are hundreds of mamas who have btdt. Mostly, the process is one of self-awareness, self-discovery and piecing together that which applies to you individually. We consider the question and research process 'unschooling ourselves' about biochemistry.

    Shannon is the wiz at detox. I'm focused on whole food nutrients. Tanya is most aware of heavy metals and chelating. Elizabeth is most informed about homeopathic support. So, you will get more information from posting publicly, if you are comfortable with that.

    Do write up a history and we'll work from there.

  • Pat Robinson

    Take a look at this thread too: It is the chat thread, and the mamas support and discuss different issues during the week.

  • Pat Robinson

    Lauren, thank you. I'd missed your update and I did think about you that day. I don't know anything about the prescribed recommendations. I wrote to my homeopath to inquire if she had any opinion.

    I don't agree with weaning. However, I will say that Erik's sleep improved significantly when I initiated weaning. I believe, in retrospect that he was receiving fewer toxins from me. We used the No Cry Sleep Solution and it went well. But, he also had severe whooping cough four months later and I really wished we could have nursed then!!

  • Pat Robinson

    Lauren, it appears from my bit of reading that your homeopath is looking at an isolated variable: growth, and taking a multi-pronged approach. This is not Classical Homeopathy. My homeopath was concerned and doubtful with that approach. She adamantly believes that two remedies at the same time do not work well together in most cases. This is not a homeopathic approach, but an allopathic approach of working on a symptom instead of on the entire
    imbalance and establishing health.

    [I'm paraphrasing her above, so as not to quote directly. But, it is pretty close to her email, iykwim ;-) ]

    What I read about the Carbo Vegetabilis does sound appropriate for underlying GI issues. I'd feel comfortable taking that alone, along with the dietary changes and see how he continues to improve.

    The growth hormone, even as a homeopathic, alters the effectiveness of the other remedy, from my understanding of a classical perspective. Many naturopathic physicians are trained this way. And symptomatic treatment is such a Westernized perspective to be inseparable to comprehend an alternative way. For instance, his suggestion to wean seems to disregard the emotional piece. Similarly, focusing on growth factors, seems to disregard the emotional piece, by focusing on sleep, rather than the spirit. Sleep is a necessary component to growth, from a Western scientific perspective. But, nightwakening is often related to nutrition; and baby and mama are intertwined in a way that a man can not experience, imo. So, it is a bit like 'throwing out the baby with the bathwater'.

    I'm not explaining my perspective well. This is it (maybe, lol). Our homeopath trusts that homeopathy works without changing any other variables. And I trust that every change has an impact. The weaning is just very drastic, imo. Although, from an allopathic perspective of 'removing possible toxin and undigested protein exposures', one could argue for formula for any child. It doesn't consider the whole child.

    Hope that helps.

  • Pat Robinson

    There is plenty of time.

    All is well. Every thing impacts the system. You know more than you did yesterday. :-)


  • Thomas

    Do you have problems with headaches? Do you know any natural remedies? Send me a comment.