Woohoo Pat! You go girl! I can't wait to use your site as a reference.
- mdc mama
What does "holistic" mean to you?
Respecting that your body works as a whole unit, striving for health, which it can do when given the right tools.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
Discovered it ten years ago on my honeymoon in the Northwest. Looked deeper into it with my first newborn, swimming deeply in it now that we are trying to heal.
a little about me
I'm a mom of 2 awesome, sweet, atopic boys. I love to learn and discover especially concerning health.
Gosh, have you all tried some ginger? Gripe Water helps settle the stomach. Or some of the acute homeopathics? This old thread lists some homeopathics to consider: http://www.mothering.com/discussions/showpost.php?p=13011344&postcount=4
Bone broths have been documented to limit the duration of illnesses.
Yes, I want to better understand T1/T2 skewing also. I'll do some research about that, as I really don't understand it myself. I've seen a few pieces of that puzzle and it is still confusing.
We are going out in a bit and I must shower still. But, remind me or post to the forum, if I don't start a thread with my findings. I hope you will post too, when you feel better.
Pat Robinson
Bone broths have been documented to limit the duration of illnesses.
Yes, I want to better understand T1/T2 skewing also. I'll do some research about that, as I really don't understand it myself. I've seen a few pieces of that puzzle and it is still confusing.
We are going out in a bit and I must shower still. But, remind me or post to the forum, if I don't start a thread with my findings. I hope you will post too, when you feel better.
Feb 6, 2009
Pat Robinson
I want to print it out and read it as a hard copy. It looks incredibly detailed and explanatory. (ie. way over my head, at the moment!)
Mar 3, 2009
Jun 8, 2009