Gilla Weiss

Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
the link you have on mdc. Iam mombh there and gilima on some other sites.
What does "holistic" mean to you?
Gilla Weiss, good question, I have to think a minute.
I guess it would mean being more in tune with ouselves, naturally, in everything from food, to laundry to how we birth, nourish, raise ourselves,our kids and taking responsibility for our health and well being and being able to heal our families and help others etc;
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
about 20 years, it's been a long journey.we started off slowly and are still learning and finding balance, evolving. I nursed my 1st baby 21 years ago and had my 1st homebirth 16 years ago. I thought being a vegetarian back thenwas being holistic. I have since come a long way :)
a little about me
Iam a mother of 8 kids. 6 were born at home. All nursed. the baby is almost 1 and has down syndrome. 2 of my younger ds's have food allergies. 5 of us are gluten intolerent. I thought I knew quite a bit a bout health and nutrition till those 2 showed up with their allergies... it has been quite a ride and I am still learning :)
I am a sahm, we homeschool, try to grow vegetables and garden, I use cloth diapers, and love knitting and crocheting, cook mostly from scratch, we try to be tf but sometimes fall short although we are definitely real foods. try to buy organic as much as we can afford to. I read a lot am obssesed with keeping my family healthy, healing them when they get sick, trying to understand more. I love to connect with other mamas who share these same passions for their families and love that we can support each other , give recipes, suggest books, talk about out btdt etc; Iam also a LLL leader.
Professional or business affiliations?
Right now besides professional mommy... not much.
I used to be a massage therapist in my former life before 8 kids LOL

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson

    Welcome. Check out the videos about detox. I recommend doing some research on the MTHFR gene mutation. Downs is commonly associated with it. Basically, we need more bioavailable folate. Food folate, rather than folic acid. Beans, lentils, dark leafy greens, liver.

  • Pam Genant

    Hi there Gilla, I just wanted to pop over and welcome you to the Growing Your Own Food group.  I LOVE your profile picture!!  Welcome.
