Mercedes Brian

Wolfville, Nova Scotia


Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
Through a friend who sent a candida link. Eat lots of everything I've been avoiding (oh yeah, except sugar!). Health, who knew?
What does "holistic" mean to you?
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
30 years
a little about me
Anemic, candida struggles. Homeopathy helped alot, but I needed the nutritional support. Very happy to have candida in balance now. I dreamed the answer to candida: balance. Strengthen every part, stop trying to kill candida. So now, I will be working on keeping iron up without Floridex. I do suspect that years of bentonite drinks have absorbed iron and other nutrients. So, I'll be searching anemia, and ridged nails. I'm looking forward to it.
Professional or business affiliations?
I sell photocopiers. Hmm, not sure that I can help here!

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson


    Consider posting in our many forum discussions, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a blog post about natural health and healing!

    Glad you joined us.

  • Pat Robinson

    Select "Forum" from the menu at the top of the page and choose a subforum in which to post. (any forum)

    At the top right is "Add a Discussion", then start typing. I should receive a notice when you start a new thread.

    It sounds like you've had a long journey...
