Pam Laricchia


Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
I've been following on facebook and want to learn more.
What does "holistic" mean to you?
That everything is connected and it's best to look from the perspective of the whole.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
I've been generally interested for quite a few years, though I'm looking to learn more deeply now.
a little about me
Unschooling mom to three wonderful teens. We've been eating in response to our bodies' cues for years and I'm looking to learn more. My eldest son has inherited my family's hypokalemia, along with lactose intolerance and sensitivities to corn and some fruits. My daughter has been vegetarian for years and my youngest son developed type 1 diabetes a couple years ago.
Professional or business affiliations?
I'm interested in learning more. I don't really have much offer professionally at thsi point.

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson


    Consider posting in our many Forum discussions or Groups, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a Blog post about natural health and healing!

    We love photos of kids enjoying whole foods too!

    Glad you joined us.

  • Pam Genant

    Happy Birthday Pam!