Linda F


Tonasket, WA

United States

Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
What does "holistic" mean to you?
caring for whole body - more natural than medical
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
30+ yr from minimal to rapidly growing interest
a little about me
62, married, mother of recent celiac diagnosis adult daughter so going gluten free Interested in dairy free also as when the gut is inflamed, dairy does not set well
Fibromyalgia Dx 11 years
Professional or business affiliations?
Trained as registered nurse
30+years active child care provider
Husband has truck gardens to Farmer's Markets

Comment Wall:

  • Pam Genant

    Happy Birthday Linda!

  • Pam Genant

    Linda did you join the smoothie group?  That is where I got my starter information.  Really helpful.  The boys and I just do a basic smoothy, and we have a blender that will blend the frozen fruit really well.  I add frozen fruit, usually a blend of organic strawberries, blueberries, raspberries.  Sometimes I add frozen mango, delicious.  Then I add some juice, sometimes some green juice, or banana, cranberry is nice too.  And two big handfulls of baby spinach.  Blend it all up like a smoothie and we all have some, delicious.  But I see on the smoothie group there are a few recipes.  We are beginners at smoothies.