Diane Tantimonaco


Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
Through the Blenderized Diet support group!
What does "holistic" mean to you?
living in harmony with nature, eating in season, considering the affects that each part of our lifestyle has on our overall health, eating foods without packaging, stimulating our body's innate wisdom and self healing...
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
I grew up with incredibly aware parents, so it started young.
a little about me
I'm a Mama of a 2 year old who has some health issues, so I'm stressed and drained and can't stop until I feel like we've figured things out. I've always felt pretty healthy until now. I'm having a lot of digestion/allergy issues and so is my son. And, lately I've been pretty depressed. There's a strong family history of depression, but I feel like we've all been poisoned by something??? Otherwise, I'm an artist and I play with my family outside as much as possible. I'm a massage therapist, too...(Sorry, not so eloquent these days!)
Professional or business affiliations?
Mostly a Mama, a massage therapist and outdoor fitness facilitator.

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