
Profile Information:

How did you learn about the "Heal Thyself" site?
the lovely and talented Pat!
What does "holistic" mean to you?
Addressing the totality of the individual, the way we eat, think, interact etc with the world around us. the ecology of life.
How long have you been interested in holistic living?
Since I was in utero...I just didn't know it until I was in my late teens.
a little about me
Student mama of 3.
Professional or business affiliations?
I am a nutritional consultant, certified flower essence practitioner, spiritual counselor and student homeopath.

Comment Wall:

  • Pat Robinson

    Welcome! Delighted you are here.

    I changed your membership to admin, so that you can take a look around at the "Manage" tools. Additional text boxes can be added to the main page, with links to other pages. Also, threads can be "Featured" in each forum. I have a thread for links at the top of each forum also. I haven't sat down to add links yet. I keep lurking (and posting) at MDC, and of course real life happens too!

    I'd just like to have a centralized place to have links which are useful in this nutritional holistic paradigm regarding the immune system, gut health, and "illness" symptomology.

    I use the search on MDC a lot. But, I don't have just one place to file my favorites. And I wanted them accessible for anyone to just read.

    Let me know what you think.

  • Pat Robinson

    I started an Administration group for discussion. http://heal-thyself.ning.com/group/admin

  • Carren

    I know. Can you believe it. lol.
  • Kelli

    Hi, Elisabeth! That's so nice of you to say! Thanks for the welcome - it's always nice to find new communities of likeminded people!! :)
  • Natalia

    Thanks for the welcome. I love learning and would gladly stay in school forever, but I feel like it is time to do womething with the knowledge.