Pat, I have hepatitus C. I've taken the interferon/ribaviran treatment for 7 months and at that time my viral load started to rise again, which is called a relapser. Geno's 1a and 1b are the hardest to get rid of. Come Jan 1st of 2011 I've heard the FDA has approvd an additive to the interferon/riba treatment which is called Vertx V950. The cure rate is supposed to be substancially better. I hope and pray that it is and that I cure. Taking the treatment is no fun at all. The side effects are somewhat like cancer treatment except iv is not used. One pinches a spot in tummy or thigh and injects a once a week treatment, plus about 5 capsules per day. A very aggressive treatment is what is needed to beat the dragon. I've never hear a word of knowledge given on your show about hepatitus, however when prayers are given I always put my hands on my liver area and pray that Jesus will tough my liver and blood and put his majastic cure upon it. Please pray for me and the many other's afflicted with this horrid desiese, for it kills many before their time and it is a horrid death with poison reaking he whole system one becomes very sick. Thanks, Pat or whomever prays at that time. Dennis, Indianapolis, IN.
Thank you Pat! glad to see you back! I enjoy you on facebook! very interesting & informative! I'm considering ordering some milk kefir from you, mine I'm not sure smells right & I'm curious if yours would smell different? Anyhow, glad to be here & love hearing your stuff!
Thank you Pat . I have been searching for antidotes for fluoride poisoning and other disease related info and Have found so much to share. Calcium and boron seem to alleviate the effects of the fluoride toxicity. Selenium appears to be an antidote for arsenic and mercury toxins. There is intersting field research that a selenium atom will bind to a mercury or arsenic atom and pull it out of the body. Loved your oatstraw article , while I was searching for silica sources for bone and tissue repair. Will share more with you later and I think you a a great site here and plan to read up on much you have posted.
Have a great day.
Thanks for your compliment, Pat. There's still a lot more rooms for improvement for my website. I'm on the road to learning about healthy and conscious living from people like you and others. I'll like to contribute whenever I can too!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for the nice welcome! It is great to be on a forum that is focused on holistic living. I am looking forward to spending more time here.
Hi Pat. I love this exchange of information. I'm just on the other side of 30 years of candida woes, thanks to heal-thyself. The mercury connection is blowing my mind. My baby teeth were full of amalgam, and so were my adult ones. I'm now down to 4, as the fillings broke down they have been replaced with plastic. I like that I can honour the candida overgrowth as a protector, not curse as an unwanted pest.
How do I start an "about me"? Is it on my page? I'd like to balance the anemia (of no obvious origin) and occasional mild hot flashes that I experience. And then there's the concerns of my husband and children!
Thanks so much for this Pat. Mercedes
Consider posting in our many Forum Discussions or Groups, start your own "About Me" thread, or create a Blog post about natural health and healing!
We love photos of kids enjoying whole foods too!
Glad you joined us. Invite your friends!
Wellness is an active process of personal accountability.
This list shares personal experience and information only and should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and information shared are the views of the individual member.
Everyone must use her own discretion and judgment to determine whether you are comfortable or need to seek professional assistance. We are not your doctor.
The information contained in these pages is not intended to take the place of your health professional's advice. It is derived from our personal experience and research, and may shed light on your health complaints. In case of serious ailments which may not respond favorably, please seek the counsel of a qualified health professional.
"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
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Have a great day.
Have a wonderful weekend a head.
xo From me here in Australia.
Thanks, am still finding my way around here with all the wonderful information.
Kind regards,
I can not seem to locate the group you suggested for me to join and ask my questions...or did you want me to start one?
Love and Lightness of Being,
Thanks for the nice welcome! It is great to be on a forum that is focused on holistic living. I am looking forward to spending more time here.
How do I start an "about me"? Is it on my page? I'd like to balance the anemia (of no obvious origin) and occasional mild hot flashes that I experience. And then there's the concerns of my husband and children!
Thanks so much for this Pat. Mercedes
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"What do you expect the doctor to do? He can only prescribe something that will mask the symptoms until you heal yourself. He can not heal you."~ Gitti
Heal Thyself!
“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.” --Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.)
Blog Posts
Homemade Beauty Tips to Enhance Beauty Naturally
Posted by Alisha Kapoor on August 12, 2016 at 1:19pm
Cancer Vaccines Are Profitable Business
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 5, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment
Duration of Long-term Immunity After Hepatitis B Virus Immunization?
Posted by Pat Robinson on April 13, 2015 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments
Vaccine Safety and the CDC
Posted by Pat Robinson on March 29, 2015 at 7:30pm
I certainly don't fear the measles.
Posted by Pat Robinson on January 23, 2015 at 10:59am — 3 Comments
Gluten-Free Snacks
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 26, 2014 at 8:30pm
Cholesterol 101
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 20, 2014 at 8:00pm
Safe Detox Protocol
Posted by Pat Robinson on May 4, 2014 at 9:00pm
Ella’s Story
Posted by Pat Robinson on April 19, 2014 at 12:00pm
Naturally Sweetened Treats
Posted by Pat Robinson on February 25, 2014 at 7:30pm